
Oatmeal for diabetes health benefits

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How This Helps

Oatmeal is a common breakfast choice for many people that Want something healthy and relatively quick to prepare to start the day off. But confusion often arises among those who have diabetes in regards to this food: How many types of oatmeal are there? What is the difference? Is oatmeal great for diabetics? What about the carbohydrates? And what is the best sort of oatmeal to eat?  These are all good questions that diabetics and their family members have, so it’s important to get a clear picture.

See: Learn Plant Based Diet Benefits for Diabetes

What are oats?

Oats are a whole-grain comprising soluble fiber. Research indicates that individuals who eat oatmeal have lower rates of disease because of oats’ drug-like consequences. Oatmeal is a popular cereal made from oats, a whole grain. The whole type of oats is known as oat groats, and these require a while to cook. The oats are milled, or soil, steel-cut or wrapped, and they’re cooked in milk or water to generate oatmeal (sometimes referred to as porridge). But, oats are also utilized to make bread, muffins, cookies, and other baked products.

Types of oats

What’s oatmeal?

Oatmeal is a popular cereal made from oats, a whole grain. The Whole type of oats is known as oat groats, and these require a while to cook. The oats are milled, or soil, steel-cut or wrapped, and they’re cooked in milk or water to generate oatmeal (sometimes referred to as porridge). But, oats are also utilized to make bread, muffins, cookies, and other baked products.

What are the different kinds of oats?

Oats are considered a whole grain and are packed with fiber and nutrients and are shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and inflammation. They also promote healthy digestion.

– Kinds of oatmeal

Choose your oats carefully as some kinds of oats are better options than others, according to how they’re processed. Here is a basic summary.

Whole oats or groats

The husk is removed in the oat kernel, but the germ and bran layers stay. They could take up to an hour to cook, and they have a chewy, nutty flavor. These are the least processed form of all oats available.

Steel-cut oats (Irish oats)

Steel-cut oats are made from whole oats and slicing them into two to three bits using steel blades, hence the distinct name. The feel of steel-cut oats is rough and chewy with a nutty taste. Many find them to be a good substitute for white rice. Steel-cut oats need a longer cooking time than other kinds of oats and are extremely hearty and will fill you up.

Scottish oats

These oats are not sliced but stone-ground instead. Consequently, Scottish oats are finely ground and will make a creamy, smoother feel than steel-cut oats. Scottish oats are a great option if you’re making a bakery product like cake or bread.

Rolled oats

Rolled oats are created by flattening and steaming oat groats instead of cutting them.  Rolled oats are generally found in grocery stores and are used frequently in baking. They cook faster than steel-cut and Scottish oats. They are also known as old-fashioned oats.

Instant oats

Oatmeal, or instant oats, is the most processed of the oat varieties. To create instant oats rolled oats are steamed, dried, and wrapped, which permits them to cook faster than steel-cut or rolled oats. The drawback is that instant oats are often soupy and mushy. Flavored instant oats may also contain added sugar, sodium, and other flavorings.

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Oatmeal for weight loss & lower blood sugar?

Can Eating Oatmeal Help You Lose Weight and Lower Blood Sugar?

First, here is the bad news. Oatmeal is high in carbohydrates that individuals with type 2 diabetes must watch out for. However, it’s a food that is low to moderate on the glycemic index (GI) when it is ready with minimal processing. Meaning: It is more slowly digested and metabolized, leading to a lower increase in blood glucose.

– High Fiber Content To Manage Blood Glucose

Fiber is essential for many adults, but particularly for individuals with diabetes. A type of soluble fiber (Beta-glucan) is found in oats that increases the time necessary to digest and helps to slow down the release of glucose in the small intestine. The National Library of Medicine points out that adults with type 2 diabetes who ate oats and oat bran for six months experienced “significant” reductions in 24-hour blood glucose counts and overall insulin levels.

So precisely what is the right amount of fiber that you need daily? According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health),  most Americans get about 14 grams per day, which is less than half of the fiber they need. The NIH recommends that men need to target 38 g fiber every day, while girls should consume 25 g. Other experts recommend higher amounts for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

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Oatmeal nutrition facts

This nutrition data is provided by the USDA for 1/2 cup dry (39g) rolled oats with no salt or sugar added. This serving is equal to 1 cup of cooked oatmeal (cooked in plain water).

Calories: 140

Fat: 2.5g

Sodium: 0mg

Carbohydrates: 28g

Fiber: 4g

Sugars: 0g

Protein: 5g

Is oatmeal good for diabetics?

Oatmeal has a reasonably decent nutrition profile. And oatmeal scores extra nourishment points in different ways. Oats have a fair amount of B vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous, together with polyphenols that may help improve blood pressure and may decrease cholesterol.

The primary type of fiber founds in oats is soluble fiber, which comes from beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is supposed to help lower cholesterol and blood sugars and can give the immune system a boost. When it comes to blood sugar control, beta-glucan (like other kinds of soluble fiber) slows food movement through the intestines. It follows that carbohydrate in the food or the meal is consumed more gradually, minimizing the increase in glucose levels.

Another benefit of oatmeal for diabetics is its low glycemic index. Glycemic index (GI) is an index or rank of foods based on how much they raise blood glucose. The lower the GI, the less probable that food will cause the undesirable blood sugar “spike” after intake. Rolled and steel-cut oats have a GI of about 55, which is on the lower side. On the other hand, the GI of flavored instant oatmeal can approach near 70 (on the higher side) due to the processing and added sugar.

Here’s yet another advantage of eating oatmeal: weight management. As a result of oatmeal fiber content, you can get full, and stay full longer, so you are less likely to overeat or snack at meals in the future.

So, what’s the bottom line? Is oatmeal suitable for diabetics? Yes, it is. But choose your oatmeal sensibly. And be careful of additional ingredients such as sugar, salt, or toppings that contain sugar. You can make oatmeal a healthful, go-to breakfast for you.

Oatmeal other health benefits

In addition to diabetes, oatmeal is beneficial for other conditions related to diabetes.

– Oatmeal for weight control

Oatmeal’s soluble fiber forms a gel in the stomach that delays stomach emptying. This oatmeal fiber makes one feel fuller for a longer period, preventing overeating, and help with losing weight. In double-blinded research of overweight and obese women and men, nearly 90 percent of those oatmeal-treated subjects reduced their body weight compared with the control group that had no weight loss.

Potential Decrease in Inflammation

Another reason to load up on oats is their anti-inflammatory properties. One of the body’s natural defense mechanisms is inflammation. When you’re hurt or become sick, for example, your body releases inflammatory cells that will assist you in healing. However, an excessive amount of inflammation can occur as a result of an illness such as type two diabetes or from a bad diet, long-term stress, and a sedentary lifestyle. According to the Cleveland Clinic, chronic inflammation places undue stress in your organs, resulting in complications such as heart and mind,

Oats contain an anti-inflammatory compound known as avenanthramide, which might decrease diabetes inflammation, which could cause disease progression. Researchers who studied 22 individuals with type two diabetes who ate oats within eight months, observed anti-inflammatory gains in study participants. They discovered that the diet resulted in decreased microparticles found in blood platelets that could result in high blood glucose and inflammation.

Reduced Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and High Cholesterol

The Molecular Nutrition and Food Research analysis also noted that people with type 2 diabetes who ate oats had a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. This fact is helpful for diabetics since heart disease is a complication that can arise in type 2 diabetes. This complication is due to high blood sugar levels that can damage nerves and blood vessels attached to a heart, based on the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

Research has found that oats can decrease high cholesterol levels, another risk factor for heart disease. A review of research studies published in December 2015 from the journal Nutrients analyzed trials where people who have type 2 diabetes ate oatmeal for breakfast versus control groups that ate non-oat foods, such as white bread. Researchers noted that fiber in the oats not only helped regulate glucose levels, but that research participants also saw lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or”bad”) cholesterol. The authors added that individuals with type two diabetes who ate oats had reduced overall cholesterol levels.

Oatmeal Relieves Chemotherapy-Induced Rash

For centuries, oatmeal was used as a topical agent on the skin to relieve itching and itching. More recently, oatmeal cream has been demonstrated to assist with an uncomfortable rash caused by chemotherapy drugs like cetuximab.

– Oats May Help Prevent Stroke

The best studies have shown that fiber appears to protect against the danger of stroke. The minimum recommended daily intake to avoid stroke is twenty-five grams of soluble fiber (from legumes, oats, nuts, and berries) and forty-seven grams a day of insoluble fiber (mostly found in grains).

– Oatmeal and Arterial Function

Oats contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant phytonutrients, which may help prevent buildup in the arteries and preserve arterial function. The fiber in oatmeal contributes to cholesterol, leading to lower blood glucose levels. In actuality, just one serving per day of barley or oats may lower cholesterol.

See: Nutritional Supplements for Diabetes

What is the best oatmeal for Type 2 Diabetes?

Best Oatmeal for Type 2 Diabetes

Eating high fiber oats can have cardiovascular benefits and may help you control blood glucose. However, for a diabetes diet, oats need to examine more carefully. A filling bowl of the ideal oatmeal topped with nuts and berries can be a good start. A widely available whole grain, oats are full of fiber and essential minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. And the use of oats has been associated with improved cardiovascular ailments, including a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and reduced LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. While heart health is essential for everybody, oats may also offer certain benefits for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

The sort of soluble fiber in oats may help with blood sugar control in addition to weight maintenance. Among the simplest methods to fit healthy oats to your diet is by eating more oatmeal.

See: Oatmeal for diabetes health benefits


Some oatmeal is far better than others in regards to a type two diabetes diet. All oatmeal come from oat groats, which are the whole kernels harvested before being stripped of the hulls. Oat groats are processed further into various kinds of oats, which could be used for oatmeal. The more processed the oats, the less valuable fiber they contain. According to data printed in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, rolled oats have a glycemic load of 9 (low), whereas instant oats have a GL of 24 (large ). In regards to oatmeal, cooking methods matter also. Properly prepared oats may take a bit more time. Still, the potential benefits of type 2 diabetes of better blood glucose control, decreased inflammation and cholesterol, and weight control are worthwhile.

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