Samprapti Ghataka:
Dosha: Pitta-Vata
Dushya: Ras, rakta dhatu
Srotas: Ras, rakta, asthi
Adhishthan: Scalp/Romakupa
Unwholesome diet and routine, worms infestation, psychological imbalances, excessive consumption of curd, fast foods, chocolate, white flour products, weak digestion, hormonal imbalance, deficiency of minerals etc.
Chikitsa Sutra
· Nidana parivarjan – Avoidance of etiological factors in diet and routine that caused disease
· Shaman Chikitsa – Pitta-vata shaman, pachan, rakta shodhan, nasya, sroto shodhan, rasayan
· Shodhan Chikitsa – Some effective and easy to implement methods were discussed to be done at home
· Sattvavjay Chikitsa – Patient education, expectation management and approach of treatment was shared.
Advice for Cure of Alopecia Areata Cure in Ayurveda:
Pathya: Advised to follow proper water consumption, eating black sesame (kaley til), pranayama, walking, apply a face mask with besan masoor dal haldi milk, apply Aloe vera pulp on face, beet-anaar juice, soaked almonds, methi+kalonji lep on scalp, apply neem leaves extract on bald patches, light and easily digestible seasonal green-leafy vegetables, multi grains, fruits, salad, milk products, etc were advised to be added to diet.
Apathya: Advised to avoid hot, spicy, oily, acidic food items, non-veg, fast foods, white flour products, tea, coffee etc. should be avoided. Doctor also advised patient to avoid unhygienic conditions.
Modifications/Changes made in prescription for Alopecia Cure in Ayurveda during course. Below changed medicines were given as per patient’s feedback:
In June, 2017
In powder combination, Shiva rasayan and Bhringraj churna was replaced with Krimi ghatini and Kukkutand twak bhasma while in tablet combination, Lakshadi guggulu was changed to Punaroday vati.
In Aug, 2017
In tablet combination, Punaroday vati was changed to Krimi mudgar ras.
The outcome for Alopecia Areata Cure in Ayurveda:
Within a couple of months, the patient responded well to treatment as new hair growth was seen in bald patches and digestive functions were getting better hence there was an improvement in bowel, gas, appetite-like issues. Hair growth was continuous but at a slow pace, simultaneously a couple of new patches were also spotted. In October, she reported noticeable hair growth in all bald patches, as well as generalized hair fall, which also was reduced. With the continuation of treatment, all patches recovered very well except one that was responding less.
Based on feedback, medicines were tapered down. In February 2018, the patient told that including one less responding patch now all patches were normal for her Alopecia hair loss condition with natural hair growth. She was extremely happy with the significant improvement achieved in her problem. A few months later of stopping the Ayurveda treatment, in courtesy follow-up, she was enjoying overall perfect hair and health condition. Alopecia cure in Ayurveda has been documented for a lot of patients with success.