How This Helps
These are the basic nutritional rules that you need to follow if you have Diabetes type 1:
-eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
-maintain a healthy weight and, most importantly to keep your blood sugar under the recommended levels during the day.
Keeping sugar levels under control is managed by taking insulin and carefully following crafted nutrition plans. Your medication and the food you consume both have to be in excellent balance to keep your blood sugar under control.
Science and Research
This is a sample Diabetic diet meal plan for 1600 calories level, which provides 5 servings of grains, 6 servings of vegetables, 3 servings of fruits, 2 servings of dairy, 6 servings of protein, and 2 servings of oil. The number of servings from each food group is done according to the DASH diet recommendations. The only modification of the patterns (regarding the number of servings) is a smaller number of servings of fruits and a bigger number of servings from the vegetable food group and modifications allows you to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals while limiting the amount of sugar you consume.
This particular diet meal plan has 1585 calories and less than 1500 mg of sodium. In this particular example, the total number of carbohydrate choices is 14. Which is adequate for a person with healthy body weight. The choices are divided into six meals, two carbohydrate choices for breakfast, one in each snack, five for lunch, and three for dinner. This calorie level for this meal plan is adequate for women who have a sedentary lifestyle. One thing you will have to learn is what carbohydrates choices you have and how to count them. Since your carbohydrate intake must be planned carefully and coordinated with your insulin intake.
One carbohydrate choice contains about 15 grams of total carbohydrate, and you can find a list that will tell you the number of carbohydrate choices in common servings of foods
Your doctor should give you information about the total number of carbohydrate choices you need to eat each day. As well as the exact schedule for every meal or snack and the number of carbohydrate choices along with the timing. Once you have the total number of carbohydrates choices you can consume a nutritionist can plan custom diet plans for you.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks
Breakfast: Whole grain bread (2 slices), low-fat cottage cheese 60g (0% fat), 1 cup of yogurt, and 1 tomato
Breakfast has 370 cal and, provides 2 servings of grains, 2 servings from the dairy food group, and 1 serving of vegetables. The number of carbohydrate choices is 3, which means that breakfast contains 41 grams of carbohydrates.
Nutrition Fact: For breakfasts choose whole grain bread, it is a better option compared to white bread, wholegrain bread contains dietary fibers, which assures a slower spike in blood sugar. Also, it contains more vitamins and minerals than its white bread counterpart. A study published in 2015 in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine reports, that an increased intake of whole-grain foods lowers the risk of heart disease.
You’ll want to pass this healthy food swap habit on to your whole family, get creative and use it for fun recipes like whole wheat grilled cheese or whole-wheat French toast.
See: Food Sensitivity Blood Test
Mid-morning Snack: Fresh squeezed orange juice.
66 calories and provides 1 serving of fruit. The number of carbohydrates choices 1, which means that the snack contains 15 grams of carbohydrates. (1 carbohydrate choice = 15 grams carbohydrate)
Nutrition Fact: Orange juice is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, particularly with vitamin C. It will boost your immune system, help you detoxify as well as provide an alkaline pH for your blood. Did you know that alkaline pH of the blood can help boost your metabolism, sounds great, right?
See: Forskolin-Alternative for Easy and Healthy Weight Loss
Sautéed kale and garlic with 100g of cooked brown rice with 150g of white chicken meat, fried with 1 tablespoon of oil.
Lunch has 515 calories and provides 2 serving from the oil group, 2 servings from the vegetable group, 2 servings of grains, and 5 servings from the protein food group. Number of Carbohydrates: You have 5 choices, which means that lunch contains 71 grams of carbohydrates.