
Chronic Kidney Disease Diet Plan

Table of Contents

How This Helps

Special diet for people suffering with chronic kidney disease is very important to follow.  Some foods may need to be changed in your diet not that you are living with CKD.  These may include limits on protein, carbohydrates, fat, fluid, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus in your diet.”  (http://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-health/assets/living_well_with_ckd.pdf)

See: High Blood Sugar, weakness and over weight

Science and Research

For someone with Chronic Kidney Disease it is important to know your kidneys function and to know how much protein you are able to consume a day.  Eating too protein is harsh on your kidneys and if they are not functioning properly it can do further damage; before starting any meal plan check with you primary care to ensure  you are on the right track.  Having chronic kidney disease may seem like you cannot anything but that is not true you are still allowed to eat foods that are delicious. “When Kidneys are not working well, wastes from what you eat and drink build up in your blood instead of being removed by your kidneys.

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Sample meal is for ~1750 calories.  Which provides 220 grams of grains;   3 3/4 cups of vegetables; 2 cups of fruits;

servings of dairy; 71 grams of protein and 70 grams of fat; 29 grams of fiber; 1600 – 2000 mg of sodium

(depending on teriyaki sauce chosen for dinner); 97% daily calcium; 65% daily phosphorus, 50% or 150 mg of magnesium,

25% of daily vitamin D, 1600 mg potassium.  This calorie level is typically adequate for  medium size to maintain or

lose up to 1 pound a week to attain ideal weight this all depends on persons weight at present.  Protein level is

adequate for someone who is 198 pounds or above; check with provider to know how many grams of protein you may need a


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Breakfast:  Whole Grain English muffin with 2 tablespoons of almond butter and 1 tablespoon of reduced sugar jelly with a ½ cup of cranberry juice.  – 400 calories   

Morning Snack: a cup of fresh strawberries (use organic they tend to be one of the highest in pesticides which an be hard body to clear out) with 90 calorie raisin granola bar. – 140 calories 

Lunch:  Subway roast beef on whole grain bread with lettuce, tomato and mustard for dressing.   Avoid cheese which is highly processed hand loaded with sodium.  Have a nice side veggie delight salad with a delicious oil and vinegar dressing.  Add apple slices and a glass of sugar free ice tea.  – 550 calories 

See: Best anti-inflammatory foods for arthritis

Afternoon snack: Have a great afternoon snack treat yourself to 3 cups of air-popped no- salt added popcorn with a hard boiled egg.  -170 calories 

Dinner: For dinner eat lean cut 2-3 ounce sliced low sodium teriyaki chicken breast roasted and with a stir fry vegetables with olive oil.  To add to that a ¼ a cup of whole grain rice but avoid ones made with salt or broth.

Add a refreshing glass of almond milk to make all your delicious meal go down.  For dinner you can choice to make this choice at home or this can be ordered at restaurants but you will need to ask to have no salt or butter added, this will put your sodium over the limit.  – 500 calories

See: Ayurveda Vata Diet – Vata Pacifying Diet


1. http://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-health/assets/living_well_with_ckd.pdf

2. https://www.kidney.org/news/keephealthy/newsletter/FallWinter2013/KH_Cranberry-Kidney-Connection

3. http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-topics/kidney-disease/nutrition-for-advanced-chronic-kidney-disease-in-adults/Pages/facts.aspx

4. http://www.kidney-cares.org/kidney-failure-nutrition-recipe/1729.html

5. Kolbe RD, N. (2014.) Avoid Dialysis 10 Step Diet Plan for Healthier Kidneys.

6. http://authoritynutrition.com/9-proven-benefits-of-almonds/

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