
Chronic Kidney Disease Diet Plan for Stage 1

Table of Contents

How This Helps

The basic nutritional rules for people with Chronic Kidney Disease CKD (Stage 1) are to follow a healthy diet plan (like the DASH diet) and to limit the amount of protein and sodium. In some cases,  patients will need to limit the potassium or phosphorus in their diet as well.

Science and Research

The Chronic Kidney Disease diet plan caters to the 1800 calorie level, which is typically adequate for women who have a sedentary lifestyle.  This particular menu has 1751 calories and 1083 mg of sodium. It provides 3 servings of grains, 4 servings of vegetables, 5 servings of fruit, 3 servings of dairy, 3.5 servings of protein, and 1 serving of oils.  The number of servings from each food category is as per the DASH diet recommendations.

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What is a kidney friendly diet?

Why is an eating plan important?

Everything one eats and drinks have a major effect on your health. Maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet that’s low in fat and salt can help you control your blood pressure. In case you have diabetes, you can help control your blood sugar by carefully choosing what you eat and drink. Controlling hypertension and diabetes might help in preventing kidney disease worsening.

A kidney-friendly diet can also help in protecting your kidneys from further damage. A kidney-friendly diet restricts certain foods to stop the minerals in these foods from harming your body.

How is kidney friendly diet different?

How is a kidney-friendly diet distinct?

When your kidneys aren’t functioning and need to, fluid and waste build up in your body. With time, waste and extra fluid can lead to bone, heart, and other medical issues. A kidney-friendly meal program restricts how much of certain fluid and minerals you drink and eat. This check might help keep the fluid and waste from building up and causing problems.

How stringent your meal plan should depend on your stage of kidney disease. You might have little or no limitations on what you drink and eat at the earlier stages of kidney disease. As your kidney disease worsens, however, your doctor may recommend that you restrict:

– Potassium

– Phosphorus

– Fluids

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Kidney healthy diet

Healthy diet basics

With all meal programs, including the kidney-friendly diet, you need to monitor how much of certain nutrients you take in, for example, calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. You need to ensure you are getting the appropriate amounts of these nutrients. You will need to eat and drink the right portion sizes to track your consumption. Use the nutrition facts food label to find out more about what’s in the foods that you eat. This act might help you select high nutrients in the nutrients you need and low in the nutrients you need to limit.

Calories: Your body receives energy from the calories you eat and drink. Calories include carbohydrates, protein, and fat in your diet. Just how many calories you need depends upon your age, sex, body size, and activity level. You might also have to adjust the number of calories you eat according to your weight objectives. Some people will have to restrict the calories they consume. Others might have to have more calories. Your doctor or dietitian can help you work out how many calories you should have daily. Work with your dietitian to personalize a meal program that can help you get the ideal quantity of calories, and stay in touch for assistance.

– Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates would be the simplest sort of energy for your body to utilize. Healthy carbohydrates foods include fruits and veggies. Unhealthy sources of carbohydrates include soft drinks, sugar, honey, and sugary drinks. Some carbs are high in phosphorus and potassium, which you might need to limit based on your kidney disease stage. You might also have to watch your carbs carefully when you have diabetes. Your dietitian can help you find out more about your meal plan’s carbohydrates and how they affect your blood glucose.

Protein: Protein is one of those building blocks of the human body. Your body needs protein to grow and stay healthy. Having too little protein may cause your skin, nails, and hair to be weak. However, having too much protein can also be an issue. To remain healthy and help you feel your best, you might want to adjust how much protein you consume. The protein quantity you have depends on your body size, activity level, and health concerns. Some doctors recommend that people with kidney disorders restrict protein or alter their source of nourishment. This advice is because a diet high in protein can make the kidneys work harder and cause more damage. Ask your physician or dietitian how much protein you need to consume and the best sources of protein for you. See low protein foods below that may be healthy to eat in limited quantities. Lower-protein foods examples are:





Examples of higher-protein foods to avoid are:

Red meat




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Fat: You want some fat in your meal plan to remain healthy. Fat gives you energy and makes it possible to use a few of the vitamins in your food. Excess fat can lead to weight gain and cardiovascular disease. Limit fat intake in your meal plan, and choose healthy fats. Healthier fat or “good” fat is known as unsaturated fat. Examples of unsaturated fat include:

Peanut oil

Corn oil

Jojoba oil

Unsaturated fat can help lower cholesterol. If you will need to gain weight, try to eat more unsaturated fat. Limit the unsaturated fat in your diet if you will need to drop weight,

Saturated fat, also called “bad” fat, can increase your cholesterol level and increase your heart disease risk. Examples of saturated fats include:





Limit these on your meal plan.

– Portions: Choosing healthy foods is a terrific beginning, but eating too many healthy foods can be a problem. Another part of a wholesome diet is portion control or watching how much you consume.

Sodium: Sodium (salt) is present in almost all foods. An excess of sodium can make you thirsty, resulting in swelling and increasing your blood pressure. This effect can damage your kidneys to make your heart work harder. Among the best things you can do to stay healthy is to restrict how much sodium you consume.  Avoid canned or processed foods and meats such as ham, sausage, bacon, and lunch meats. Munch on fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to crackers or other salty snacks.

Potassium: Potassium is a mineral found in virtually all foods. Some potassium is good to make your muscles work, but excess potassium can be harmful. When your kidneys aren’t functioning well, your potassium level might be too high or too low. This imbalance can lead to muscle cramps, heart beating, and muscle fatigue.

For those who have kidney disease, you might have to limit how much potassium you choose. Ask your physician or dietitian if you will need to limit potassium.

See: Foods & Herbs For Kidneys Blood Cleanser & Purifier

Kidney friendly diet ideas

If you have Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 1, you need to maintain a healthy weight and take steps to prevent infections. So boost your immune system by eating the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Usually, in  Stage 1 of CKD, you do not need to limit your liquid intake. Your doctor should give you information about the number of proteins, sodium, potassium, or phosphorus allowed in your diet. Then the nutritionist can plan a custom diet plan for you.



Bread with peanut butter jelly, and a glass of milk

See: Diabetic friendly foods to eat


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