Good evening readers …My clinical case , ECZEMA ….I am trying to build a scope of classical homoeopathy towards young homoeopaths to follow Hahnemann cardinal principles with organon philosophy and inner essence of Materia medica with a key note of repertory through my posts ,DARE TO BE WISE ….Stick to Hahnemann principle in sake of cure rather than spoiling a case by polypharmacy or topical applications ….My clinical case… PRESENT COMPLAINTS …A MALE AGED 57 YRS came to me six months back with the complaints of itching ,black discoloration ,watery discharge and sometimes bleeds in right leg below knee towards ankle in lateral aspect since 2 yrs …Taken allopathy ,Ayurveda drugs of no use with lot of topical application ,, aggravation in winter and night ,scratching leads to burning, offensive discharge … PHYSICAL GENERAL … SLEEP — 2nd part of sleep disturbed with clouding of thoughts …. Thirst — thirsty Thermal —chilly. Appetite — normal Desire — nonveg especially meat. ,Hot. foods sweat -profuse all over the body , offensive. Urine – normal stool -+ constipation on eating nonveg , offensive……. PAST HISTORY — Jaundice at the age of 18 yrs , typhoid at 35 yrs taken allopathy treatment … FAMILY HISTORY …Married since 35 yrs , mother died due to MI , FATHER died due to alcoholic cirrhosis , one elder brother , known diabetic … , 1 son and 1 daughter ,both are married …Patient is known hypertension …Taking allopathic drugs …. Mind — short tempered , at the age of 38 ,he was cheated by his close friend and got problem to go to police station , he was depressed and felt guilty , and he got irritated towards his friend ,he took revenge on him ,he can’t digest it ,from that he started having the impulse of self suicide tendency when he get depression mentally or seeing sharp instruments making him impulse to kill others or himself , inert ,doesn’t talk much , looks dull , lethargy , not active ,very slow in his work , contented ,no interest in anything , but in childhood interest in sports , average in studies ,studied up to 6 th std ,started working at early age , business minded ,self centered , anxiety of disease makes him to feel to die by suicide tendency … Loathing of life ,confused thoughts … SELECTION OF REMEDY …MERC.SOL 30 SINGLE DOSE WITH PLACEBO FOR 3 MONTHS ,AGAIN MERC .SOL 200 GIVEN WITH PLACEBO FOR 1 MONTH , I GAVE LM POTENCY WEEKLY ONCE FOR 1 MONTH …. FOLLOW UP , anxiety reduced , sleep normal ,no impulse ,skin almost cured , no discharge ,stool normal , sweat not offensive ,lack of courage improved , energetic to lead a life …. DARE TO BE WISE …THANKS TO HAHNEMANN ….. REASON FOR SELECTION –+ chilly ,offensive discharge ,rt side affection , contented ,lack of interest , dull ,lethargic ,guilty feeling , manipulative on seeing sharp objects ,loathing of life , irritable ,short tempered , offensive sweat , 2 nd part of sleep disturbed , confusion of ideas ,desire hot foods ,meat