How does homeopathy view acne?
Homeopaths take a unique approach to skincare problems because the skin is regarded as a living organ with strong links to the inner organs. The basis of the homeopathic approach is to understand the causes and eliminate the obstacles to cure before trying remedies to stimulate the body to heal itself. As this occurs, the skin symptoms can get worse for a brief time, but the results are usually excellent when they snore, and the results are permanent. The more chronic the inner ailments, the longer it will take to accomplish the results.
See: Leucoderma Ayurvedic Treatment (Vitiligo)
Homeopathy offers a natural and safe treatment for acne. It works tirelessly for acne gently and efficiently, with no harsh external applications. Instead of suppressing acne, these remedies treat the problem at the root. These treatments, which are protected from any adverse side effects, are prescribed following a thorough, comprehensive analysis of symptoms. Acne is an outward manifestation of an inner imbalance, something which has to be dealt with on a constitutional level. Homeopathic treatment for acne examines the individual; it assesses not just your physical symptoms but also your personality and character type. Homeopathy treats the reason for acne, by way of instance, if dandruff or stress is causing you acne, homeopathy corrects the main issue. Homeopathic medications for acne also heals your immunity from inside. The result is a permanent fix from this acne distress. In severe cases of acne, homeopathy can help reduce the intensity of eruptions and control scarring as far as possible. If your acne is affected by the imbalanced hormonal levels, your acne eruptions and severity can change during the treatment. However, with regular and continued medication, acne can be gradually controlled. Homeopathy for acne does not lead to any side-effects, and it may be safely taken for a long period.
From a homeopathic perspective, the skin is vulnerable to toxins absorbed through the colon and influenced by a congested liver. The liver has an immediate impact on hormone excretion, and if it’s not able to eliminate properly, there’ll be an increase of acne. Homeopathy utilizes a comprehensive detoxification approach, addressing the causes and support of the main organs like the liver, colon, and pancreas. The bowels should be kept clean, (utilize a fiber supplement such as flaxseeds, or Psyllium husks (Lepicol). If there was a history of antibiotic misuse or they’ve been on the dinette, they need to go on acidophilus to replenish essential bacteria.
Homeopathic vs conventional treatment for acne
Homeopathy for acne differs from conventional treatment in a homeopathic remedy that is individualized to the person. Because every person is different, no single homeopathic remedy will work for everyone. A remedy is chosen based on an individual’s unique set of symptoms, including (but not restricted to) their acne symptoms. Therefore, seeking care using a naturopathic healthcare provider will probably lead to the best outcomes when treating acne.
Homeopathic remedies for acne (pimples)
Below are some of the potential remedies which homeopaths consider for treating acne. You should consult a certified homeopath to determine what may be right for you.
– Pulsatilla: This remedy can be useful when acne is worse from eating rich or fatty foods and aggravated by heat or heat. It’s suggested especially around the time of puberty, or when acne breaks out near menstrual periods. The individual often has a fair complexion and is inclined toward soft feelings and emotions, feeling worse in stuffy rooms, warm temperatures, and better in the fresh air. This is for acne in young women where acne is related to the menstrual period (mainly when the interval is irregular or absent) or with pregnancy. The individual will have little desire, to be weepy and enjoy comfort and consolation, and to be cold but like open, cool air and gentle movement.
– Silicea (also called Silica) An individual with deep-seated acne and low immunity, a tendency toward fatigue and nervousness, and swollen lymph nodes may benefit from this remedy. Heavy, hard cystic acne, like boils on the face, particularly the lips; pimples often to don’t come to a head or show pus. Pimples are extremely slow to heal and leave pitting scars. The individual will get infections easily and often. They could be cold with sweaty hands and feet. They might be fatigued and lacking in confidence and strength, while also being stubborn with fixed ideas.Infected spots are slow to fix, so it might result in scarring. Someone who needs this remedy is usually very chilly, but likely to sweat during the night.
See: Acupuncture Treatment For Vitiligo (Leucoderma)
– Sulfur iodatum relieves acne situated on the forehead and the back, aggravated by warmth, and happening periodically.
– Hepar sulph: extremely painful pimples; they might feel like a splinter from the epidermis. Lesions are susceptible to touch and potentially cold. They may cluster in plants on the forehead and tend to form pustules and whiteheads easily. The discharge may smell like old cheese. Generally speaking, the individual could be quite cold and oversensitive to pain, touch, cold, and minor causes.
– Calcarea sulph: severe cystic acne. Lesions persist in 1 place for weeks and don’t heal quickly. Yellow, creamy pus drains for quite a long time. Unhealthy-looking skin with yellow scabs. Pimples on face and close hairline and ears. The inclination to infections of the sinuses, ears, and tonsils that persist quite a long time. The person could be warm-blooded and feel worse in warm rooms.
– Kali bromatum: acne starts in the teen years and continues relentlessly into maturity. Bluish, reddish pustules on the face, chest, and shoulders leave scars, purple spots, or even a depression in the skin. Pimples might have a depressed center or become painful, big red cysts using a white or yellow center. In females, acne could be worse during the menstrual period. The individual may have fidgety hands and nourish, unpleasant dreams, restless sleep, and teeth grinding. They could be worse from warmth.
– Sulfur: acne with very oily skin. Blackheads are plentiful. Pimples and whiteheads are extremely large, but not that profound. The face, especially the nose, is usually influenced and tends to become reddened. Pimples may be painless but damaging. The skin may be worse from washing. The acne may also be worse from warmth, before the menstrual period, even from eating fatty foods. (This remedy is particularly suggested for rosacea, a portion of the face which causes acne-like eruptions.
– Antimonium tartaricum: This remedy may be useful to heal acne with large pustules that are tender to touch, with bluish-red marks that stay on the skin following active infection. The person could be irritable, with a low resistance to disease.
– Calcarea carbonic: This treatment can help enhance your skin’s resistance to disease if an individual has frequent pimples and skin eruptions. The person may be chilly with clammy hands and feet, easily tired by exertion, and flabby or overweight. Individuals who need this remedy are often very anxious when overworked, and have cravings for sweets and eggs.
– Calcarea sulphurica Is a medication appropriate for juvenile acne, which suppurates and causes boils.
– Calendula Gel Applied locally stimulates the recovery of pustules and limits the possibility of superinfection.
– Hepar sulphuris calcareum Relieves pustular acne aggravated by cold weather, using foul-smelling pus.
Scientific studies in Homeopathy for acne
In a 2016 scientific study, a potential curative function of homeopathic medications was explored in these cases according to a pilot study done earlier at the institute [8]. A group of 400 such cases was registered in the study after considering ethical issues and subsequent inclusion and exclusion criteria devised by the researchers. There was a control group of 30 cases with the only placebo administered that were similar in appearance. A single oral naturopathic medicine from two medications, “sulfur” or “tuberculinum,” was given to the test group as detected from the pilot study. No local application was utilized in the research. Out of 400 cases, 387 or 96.75% cases showed significant improvements. This improvement was over a therapy duration of 6 weeks of therapy, including cure often within three months. On the other hand, the control group demonstrated no changes even after six weeks. The results indicate a promising job of homeopathic medications in such difficult circumstances.