23 years old female came with a complaint of white patches in the back, rt thigh and rt shin since 1 year. It was treated with allopathy with not much results. Complaint of frequent headache frontal region agg due to hunger, sleep is disturbed, emotions. Complaint of frequent dry cough and sore throat will relieved by pain reliever.PHYSICAL GENERAL:SLEEP: first part of sleep is disturbed by stress about family.THERMAL: hotTHIRST: thirsty on summerAPPETITE: reducedDESIRE: no preference in foodSWEAT: profuse all over the body, offensive odour, brown staining the linenURINE: burning micturition in summerSTOOL: constipation, dry, difficult to passMENSES: attained menarche at the age of 13 yrs dark red, small clots like threads, stinkY smell, lower abdomen and low back pain during mensesCONSTITUTION: well built, aged look compared to her age MIND: Depressed mood, brooding, because of her parents there is often fight, financial burden, poor family, weeps only when alone, sensitive to criticism, very emotional, wants to be in company, consolation amelioration, expects to earn more to live, calculative in money spending, interest in drawing . Very responsible to family, having one elder sister and she is very close to her, white patches started due to missing of her sister after her marriage, she shares everything with her sister from childhood that’s why she missed her a lot. Wants to be independent and to support her familyPAST HISTORY:She had chickenpox at the age of 5 and typhoid at the age of 16. It was treated by allopathyPERSONAL HISTORY:She finished BSC computer science and working in a shopFAMILY HISTORY:FATHER: rheumatoid arthritisMOTHER: healthyBROTHER: healthy