With the exception of anesthesia during arthroscopic surgery and a few days of prescription pain medications, my recovery has been self-treated (I AM a Professional) using 100% AYURVEDA!
And l k! At 8 weeks, I have had ZERO swellings, surgery happened to my “driving knee”, but I’ve been driving for 2 weeks now, I’m off crutches and out of a brace (except when I’m playing with horses, dogs or chickens who run in different directions), I went “aqua jogging” in the public swimming pool all weekend long and starting yesterday I’m holding #asana “tree pose” with the surgical leg!
With the exception of a few scars (that are melting away), you can not tell the “good” knee apart from the “bad” knee and despite the whole ordeal, atrophy to the affected leg is MINIMAL.
Per Modern Medicine, “standard recovery” protocol for this procedure is a 6 month therapeutic time and the good Modern Medical Professionals note that although I am only 2 months out, my recovery progress “looks” like my surgery was 4 months ago…I have full flexion and no scar tissue..(And yes, I have been advised to wait it out before hiking the Himalayas, so meet me in on the mountain overlooking the Ganga in January!)
What did I do? A LOT! Internal herbs, external herbs, potions, oils and pastes galore! I’m not going to specifically post what I did because AYURVEDA is highly specialized to each unique individual. The herbs and therapies that I used might not be right for you.. safe and effective recovery does not happen by blanket advice on Facebook!
As a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, I have taken a sacred oath to #donoharm and I hope you will honor to practice what you preach too by only giving recommendations within your scope of knowledge and expertise. (Which means that I will share comments with Professionals on professional pages.)
It is my intention that through the story of my personal experience, you will be inspired to delve deeper into the Sacred Science of AYURVEDA, APPLY the ancient knowledge for quality healing when prevention is no longer an option and Integrate Ayurveda with the technologies of Modern Medicine for COMPLETE CARE.
If you or someone you love has surgery or procedure to get through, consider reaching out to a qualified Ayurvedic Professional (like me) for #rasayana therapies to rejuvenate and repair to live with Health, Harmony and Happiness…
“The 1000 mile journey begins with the first step..” -Chinese Proverb
Wishing you joy on the road of wellness…