
Ginger for migraines pain relief

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What causes migraines?

This popular herb that might be the solution to reducing the symptoms of migraines as they happen. Migraines are very intense headaches, frequently recurring, which cause irreparable pains in almost any region of the head. The specific cause of migraines is unknown, and determining the cause of migraine headaches is becoming as hard as trying to put together a puzzle with a missing piece.

Migraine headaches are also known as vascular headaches. The motive for this classification is that the participation of excessive dilation of blood vessels in the head. But why?

Ultimately, the main reason for migraine headaches in unclear since the manifestation can differ depending on the individual experiencing them. Some common theories of migraine headache growth are vasomotor dysfunction, serotonin deficiency, or platelet disorder. The timing of migraines may also differ from person to person, typically lasting from 4-72 hours. A few examples of triggers are reduced blood pressure, mycotoxin exposure, allergies, chemical exposure, and hormonal imbalance. MSG, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, sensory stimulation, sleep disorders, anxiety, and amine rich food diets also influence the development of migraines. Since the onset of migraine headaches can be so debilitating, many seek traditional therapies like aspirin or drugs to reduce symptoms immediately. Unfortunately, conventional therapies aren’t resolving the migraines they’re hiding the issue.

Ginger for migraine pain relief

One important missed dietary intervention that may help address migraines is that the herb Zingiber Officinalis, or more commonly called ginger. Ginger is a famous herb because of its anti-inflammatory, digestive, and antimicrobial properties.

Research has shown that ginger is equally as effective as sumatriptan, a commonly prescribed drug, in reducing migraine pain. In a recent study, group one was given sumatriptan and group two was given ginger. Both groups had relieved their pain. But, group one who had been given the sumatriptan had additional side effects. Even though the cause might be difficult to address, ginger could be the trick you want to tuck in your sleeve up to potentially decrease the duration of migraine headaches. The research supports the biological actions of ginger include anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant formation, antiemetic advantages, prevention of cell death, and blood pressure regulation. Research also supports doses of about 500-600 milligrams of the ginger powder that showed relief from migraine attacks. 

Unfortunately for many, migraines can occur on a monthly or even weekly basis. Luckily, there are home remedies that might have a strong benefit in lessening the length like the power of ginger.

Ginger can play a beneficial role in minimizing the length of migraine headaches but there have been contraindications regarding the herb being used as a preventative method. The direct development of migraine headaches for a few remains a puzzle. Potentially there isn’t any one cause for migraines & maybe there are lots of causes. The human body is so complex and there’s never a one size fits all.

Side effects and precautions

Side effects and other precautions:

There are not many side effects connected to ginger when it’s Taken in tiny doses or used as a spice. Some people experience mild side effects, for example:

– Gas, belching

– Abdominal discomfort

– Heartburn

– Diarrhea

Who shouldn’t take Ginger root to prevent migraines?

Women who are pregnant shouldn’t take ginger, along with individuals who have bleeding disorders and individuals with gallstones. A physician should be consulted before starting to take ginger.[3]

It is best to talk about all medicines, vitamins, and nutritional supplements with your doctor, as some might interact badly with one another. Experts caution that ginger may interact badly with blood thinners (anticoagulants).[3]

Ways to take ginger to relieve migraine pain

If you do not always feel like consuming ginger in powder form, here are some simple ways you can incorporate ginger in your daily diet and turn to it if you feel an attack coming on.

–  Fresh ginger in tea or hot water for migraine pain relief. Include fresh ginger root in your diet and regular meals. 

Slice the ginger and rub the actual stuff on your temples and wrists.

Cut a few pieces and add it to your cup of tea

Essential Oils. If your migraine attacks include an upset stomach, digestive problems, or nausea, consider using a ginger essential oil. Rub a few drops along your inner thighs, where the points into your gut channel are and across the gut where the distress is felt. You may even take a few drops of this oil.

Other oils that promote healthy digestion, settle the stomach, and assist with migraine symptoms include fennel, coriander, and peppermint. Be certain to purchase an organic, food-grade essential oil that’s safe to consume and be absorbed by your skin.

Ayurvedic Mask. Ayurvedic medicine suggests creating a face mask with ginger powder to take care of a Migraine attack.

Create your own ginger ale.


Ginger is a common, inexpensive herb and can be a part of any diet regimen. When you feel the onset of a migraine attack, try this ancient Indian spice together with your other pain-relieving tools. You might just find the ideal natural complement to heal your migraine symptoms.


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