The patient had tried only allopathy just for few days for acidity but it did not suit her so she discontinued taking it.
You see the patient had come to me with acidity being her main problem. But since Homeopathy believes in treating the body as a whole and not some symptoms here and there, I asked her about all her health-related problems. She then kept on pouring all the above-mentioned health issues.
I took a complete medical history from the patient. It included recording not only her physical problems but other detailed information linked to her health as well as her personality. Information like- her liking for any particular food item, degree of physical activity, bowel movement, menstrual history, sleep pattern, her temperament, hobbies, what mental stresses she underwent in her life and the way she reacted/handled them- so and so forth. It took me about an hour to finish asking her all the details.
12/05/2019: Sulphur 200, single-dose was given
28/05/2019: Heartburn was very slightly better, the heat in palms and soles was better but the improvement was not satisfactory, so 2nd choice of remedy was given- Sepia 200, a single dose
20/06/2019: The intensity of acidity symptoms was much better, heat sensation in palms and soles had totally disappeared but the menstrual flow was still scanty and the other problems also did not show the desired improvement.
1/08/2019: The case was studied again, some more questions asked from the patient to gain more clarity about her symptoms and Staphysagria 200, single-dose was given.
6/08/2019: The patient consulted a gynecologist for decreased menstrual flow. Mild PCOD was diagnosed, just at the beginning stage.
September and October: The patient was better in all respects.
10/11/2019: She consulted an Ayurvedic doctor as she had a lot of gas formation and irregular bowel movements. Took Ayurvedic medicines for about a month. Felt better thereafter.
12/02/2020: Staphysagria 200, single-dose was given as the complaints had stopped improving.
4/03/2020: The patient is almost cured with respect to all the complaints she had first reported with.
Apart from the Homeopathic medicines mentioned above the patient was also prescribed- Rhus Tox 200, Pulsatilla 200, and Nux Vomica 200- only single doses- for some acute complaints she had.
She was advised certain lifestyle changes she needed to make for a healthier life.
1. Homeopathic remedies in potencies of ‘C’ are very deep acting and a single dose given continues to work for many weeks or months.
2. At times, the remedy needs to be changed depending upon the improvements as well as the symptoms given by the patient during follow-up.
3. Following a healthy lifestyle (regular exercise, taking meals on time, including fiber in the diet, etc) has its own role to play for a cure to happen.