Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in Homeopathy
Based on symptoms present in the case I constructed chronic and miasmatic totality of the symptom.
Miasmatic Totality:
Fm – Tubercular to syphilitic
Dm – Tubercular
Recurrent cold and cough
Emaciation, atrophy of muscles
White spots on nails
Remedy: Tub. bov.
The case was also repertorized using radar software to find out the chronic remedy to treat the patient.
Radar license: 16447 – the second method
Sum of degrees (sort:spt) – Full Synthesis
This analysis contains 267 remedies and 16 symptoms. Intensity is considered
• 1.mind – irritability – children, in
• 2.mind – consolation – agg.
• 3.mind – contradiction – intolerant of contradiction
• 4.mind – weeping – children, in
• 5.mind – despair – recovery, of
• 6.mind – affectionate
• 7.generals – weakness – paralytic
• 8. generals – food and drinks – salt – desire
• 9. generals – food and drinks – pungent things – desire
• 10. head – perspiration of scalp
• 11. face – perspiration
• 12. back – curvature of spine
• 13. head – hold – up head, unable to hold
• 14. head – knocks – head against things
• 15. generals – emaciation, marasmus – children; marasmus in
• 16. generals – muscular dystrophy
• Sil.27/13
• Puls.23/12
• Nat-m.22/11
• Phos.22/11
• Calc.22/9
• Lyc.21/11
• Ars.19/11
• Calc-p.19/10
• Sep.19/9
• Cham.18/10
• Nux-v.17/10
Analysis of Repertorial Result:
Silicea comes in the first place and with the help of other PQRS symptoms the same remedy is confirmed.
Chilly patient, obstinate, delayed development, large head, distended abdomen, and white spots on nails.
Differential remedies considered are Pulsatilla which is an acute of Silicea and it can be prescribed for any acute episodes. Other remedies that came up were Nat Mur and phosphorus.
Nat Mur was a close running medicine but it was ruled out as pt is chilly and she is not extremely irritable and moody like Nat Mur child even though it covers her irritability and contradiction and consolation aggravation and Silicea covers all the pathological symptoms of muscular dystrophy present in this case.
Phosphorus was also thought of but it was ruled out as pt is not that friendly like phosphorus and does not cover all symptoms in the first 3 places after repertorization.
The considered remedies were further researched using boericke’s materia medica 9th edition and radar repertory version 8.2, Encyclopaedia Homeopathica after which Silicea was selected as the Similimum.
I communicated the treatment plan with the pt’s parents and provided them with written instruction. I also recorded it in pt’s file. Silicea 200 c potency was given based on pt’s age and susceptibility, sensitivity, and vitality of the pt, as well as silicea, covers all the symptoms present in physical and emotional level. The administration was one dose orally to allow the medicine to dissolve under the tongue and avoid eating and drinking anything for 30 minutes before and after. I gave only one dose as her vitality was good which was enough to stimulate the vital force. This is supported by aphorism 241-248( organon 6th edition).
Along with this pt was advised to be on a nutritious diet and regular exercise and other interventions needed from medical doctors
I also provided written instructions that homeopathic medicine should be stored away from direct sunlight, heat, and strong odors. I also told pt’s parents to contact me if any symptoms worsened.
1st follow up: 23rd September 2013.
Pt came with no change in any pathological symptom but her general state improved. She is eating well and happy and playing with her siblings and sharing her toys.
My assessment was based on information Silicea was acting. The child is eating well and her mental symptoms are improving as her irritability and stubbornness are reducing in intensity.
I repeated the dose again in higher potency Silicea 1M as I did not find any marked improvement in her pathological level as maybe the dose was lower in potency.
2nd follow up: 25th October 2013
Pt’s parents said she had attack of cold and cough with breathlessness which lasted for a week and went away slowly but her weakness of limbs reduced and she could hold her head for a longer time without banging her head on the wall and she is feeling strong and trying to walk with support after many years and she is less cranky and happy and playful.
• My analysis was based on information that the silicea 1m was acting very well. The appearance of the respiratory symptom may be part of aggravation and was followed by improvement in her pathological symptoms. As Hering’s law of cure states that, “The cure must proceed from centre to circumference. From centre to circumference is from above downward, from within outwards, from more important to less important organs, from the head to the hands and feet.” From this we can analyze pt’s cure is taking place from within outwards.
I felt the action was medicine was progressive and it should be left to act. No prescription.
3rd follow up: 26th November 2013
Pt did not have any aggravation. She is very happy and playful. Her appetite has improved and she has gained some weight and is trying to walk with support. Her will power has improved and she is not worried about her disease any more. In between she had mild cold and cough and wheezing and I felt she needed some anti miasmatic prescription so I gave her Tub bov 200 one dose. Such a prescription, which covers the miasmatic dyscrasia of the person, the chances of recurrence are eradicated and the axiom of ‘rapid, gentle and permanent recovery’ (Hahnemann’s Organon §3) is encompassed.
Pt came once a month for regular follow up and she was prescribed Silicea 200 till 1M for a period of 8 months as the constitutional remedy. For acute episodes of cold and cough puls 200 was given. As miasmatic tub-bov 200 was prescribed infrequently. The patient showed marked improvement at the end of 8 months.