
Why am I so bloated & gassy

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What’s bloating?

Bloating and distension are particularly common for individuals with Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Everyone has gas; people pass gas an average of 10 times a day, and some people can pass gas around 20 times each day.

Bloating is a condition where your tummy feels full and tight, often because of gas. Abdominal bloating or “feeling bloated” is a prevalent and familiar symptom most of us have experienced at any time in our lives. There are several explanations why you might feel bloated. With over-the-counter or home remedies, most causes are simple, benign, and readily treatable. Quite rarely, anything more extreme induces abdominal bloating, causing a rapid worsening of painful symptoms.

The concept of bloated commonly refers to abdominal bloating, a bloated abdomen. Bloating may be accompanied by burping (belching), gasoline (flatulence, farting), abdominal distress, and a sense of fullness. People sometimes refer to abdominal bloating as a “bloated stomach”.

See: Ayurveda Agni For Digestion & Gut Cleansing

Signs & symptoms of bloating

After only eating a few bites, most of us have experienced indigestion and its signs. They are bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting, and the feeling of fullness such as upper abdominal pain and cramping. There are frequent causes of indigestion, such as GERD or pregnancy. More severe causes include cancers or heart attacks.

Bloating is often accompanied by fatigue, feeling rundown all of the time. This makes them feel nauseous, and even with this bloating, some people today whine about gaining weight. Bloating will generally occur after eating food, but for some, they always feel bloated.

Often there are causes of bloating which people are unaware of, and easy things can be done to alleviate this bloating. More significant intestinal gas is among the most frequent reasons you may be bloated. The foods that you eat and how you eat them would be the main culprits for greater gassiness.

See: Homeopathy as Holistic Care for gastroenteritis disorders

Causes for abdominal bloating

There may be a number of factors that are causing the bloating:

– Food intolerance: Usually, if a person feels bloated, it’s due to their water or food consumption, but you might have eaten the wrong thing even if you have not overeaten. Specific food intolerances or sensitives to hot or acidic foods may cause the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to face more challenges than normal. An undiagnosed intolerance to foods can make a good deal of bloating. The body is attempting to break down the foods for the body to utilize, and a great deal of gas may be the result of the work. If you experience a great deal of bloating, try keeping a food journal to track what you eat, when you notice bloating as well as the quantity of discomfort you experience.

– SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth): A common cause of bloating is mild bacterial vaginosis. This disorder causes bacteria to overgrow, and bloating is the most common symptom. This is a challenging situation to cope with, but a systematic solution can be used. To eliminate this condition, you will need a particular SIBO diet to decrease the bloating, and this diet helps to not nourish the harmful bacteria. With the diet, you need natural products to kill off some of the excess bacteria and enhance your gut’s immunity.

Constipation: Constipation is one frequent cause of bloating. Common symptoms of constipation include straining to begin or complete a bowel motion, stool that resembles stones and pebbles, or not feeling empty after having a bowel movement. Constipation can result in abdominal bloating and pain. The longer your stool resides in your colon, the longer the bacteria have to ferment what is there. You are going to get gassier and more bloated.

Overeating: Overeating is most likely the most frequent cause of bloating, and you will find pointers that will assist you in managing your portion sizes. Selecting a smaller plate can help you eat less at a sitting. Slowing down while you eat will make it easier for your body to absorb the food, and it may tell your body that you are full.

High-fiber or high-sodium diet: Diets high in sodium may lead to water retention, and foods high in starch can increase the quantity of gaseous bloating. Everyone is unique. It is about learning what foods cause you discomfort and restricting them in your daily diet. Foods heavy in starches can help you feel fuller longer, but they may also cause a person to feel bloated.

Poor Gut Motility

This is a widespread condition that I see in my patients. Sluggish gut motility is frequently overlooked as a cause of bloating. Some folks already include gastroparesis diagnosis, but others have normal results, but their symptoms are quite consistent with it being a slow gut. The typical symptoms are constipation, bloating, feeling food sits for quite a long time in their gut, gets full very easily. There are various techniques to enhance gut motility to enhance bloating unease, like — using ginger, artichokes, bitters, fiber-rich foods. You may also use supplements to aid with it, such as Motility Activator or Iberogast.

– Carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks, such as soda or sparkling water, are a frequent reason for bloating. The fizz in your favorite sodas (even diet ones) may lead to gas to become trapped in your gut, which may result in bloating and belching. Water can provide a flavorful drink with your meal, and black tea may offer the caffeine kick you might require in the morning. If you feel bloated, peppermint tea is a frequent remedy that can help decrease the discomfort.

– Swallowing air Most individuals think of taking in air when they inhale, but it may also be done several other ways. Frequent daily habits–such as drinking from a straw, chewing gum, and eating too quickly–are methods to incorporate air into your digestive tract instead of your respiratory system. Cut out gum and straws and see if this helps your symptoms.

Processed foods: Packaged foods are a convenient snack, and it is easy to fall into the habit of building your meal plan. But packaged meals–that are notoriously high in sodium–tend to also be high in a compound called monosodium glutamate (MSG), which may allow you to feel as though you just ate an entire day’s worth in one sitting. MSG has been proven to cause bloating in sure folks, and it is a common ingredient used to preserve freshness.

Eating late: Eating a heavy meal before bed will make you feel like you have gained weight overnight. When you sleep, your digestive system is not working as hard as if you are awake, and being in a reclined posture can cause some discomfort during the evening and in the morning when you are supposed to feel in your leanest.

Certain medications: Besides the medication for acid reflux, other medicines may also cause bloating. Drugs like stool softeners can leave someone feeling bloated with gas, and birth control hormones–if in pill, patch, or implant form–may leave women feeling bloated and heavy. Other medicines, such as aspirin, antacids, diarrhea medicines, narcotic pain medications, and iron or fiber supplements may also cause bloating and other gastrointestinal ailments.

– Undiagnosed condition: Multiple conditions can contribute to bloating. In the abdomen or limbs, heart and liver disease and venous insufficiency may cause excess fluid. These conditions include more notable and tell-tale symptoms, and your medical care provider can help you identify them and other disorders that can cause bloating. Chronic conditions can cause bloating and swelling in some specific locations. It is best to speak to your primary care provider. Conditions like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome may all cause bloating.

See: Ayurveda Agni For Digestion & Gut Cleansing

Natural remedies to stop bloating

The sure way to prevent bloating is understanding its origin and root cause. If moderate constipation is the issue, a fiber-rich diet, exercise and water can help, but these measures won’t necessarily work for chronic constipation. Chronic constipation and other ailments, such as IBS or gastroparesis, require medical treatment. Therefore it’s important to speak with your doctor about your bloating symptoms.

If you’re looking for ways to block the bloat after ingestion, check out these ideas to prevent that gas after every meal.

– Drink water: The best drink to fight this is water. Just still water, not sparkling, though. If, like many others, you are not keen on the taste, try adding a small flavor like a piece of lime or lemon. Carbonated beverages cause carbon dioxide to build up in the body, inflating your stomach, leading to gas immediately after ingestion.

Exercise: Moderate exercise can help relieve gas and bloating. If you are feeling up for it, have a gentle walk after eating. But keep in mind that gentle exercise is far better than strenuous types since extreme physical activity shuts down your digestive tasks and reroutes your energy towards the muscles.

– Reduce salt: Sodium is a significant ingredient in the Western diet, and diets high in sodium are also known to cause bloating. Salt encourages the body to retain water. Reducing salt intake can alleviate the symptoms of bloating, and it is easy to do.

– Reduce stress: Mealtimes can be stressful sometimes. When it’s prepping, cooking, or simply getting family members to eat, dinnertime can be hectic. If you are worried, the diversity of your gut microbiome can be affected, and you will experience gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating.- Get more fiber: The Western diet may be a major culprit in why you feel stomach bloat. Characterized by its high-fat and processed sugar content with very little goodness from fiber, the Western lifestyle isn’t great for your wellbeing.

Fermented foods: Foods that reduce bloating may include fermented illustrations, such as kefir and yogurt containing natural probiotics (a source of live, beneficial bacteria). Some research has demonstrated that Bifidobacterium infantis could be useful for IBS patients. Increasing your probiotic intake may help restore your microbiome back to balance.

Eat slowly: It is possible to beat the bloat by eating slower and chewing your food. Not only will that decrease the atmosphere you are taking in, but it could also make you feel fuller, so you take in less unneeded food. Adding probiotics to your daily diet can help with digestive distress.

Low-FODMAP diet: Since food is often implicated as a cause for gastrointestinal disorders, a low FODMAP diet may be utilized to control IBS effects. Altering your diet is a good first step in preventing gas and bloating. Sugar alcohols or polyols found in foods such as apricots, nectarines, plums, and berry, and many chewing gums and candies. The small intestine does not always completely absorb these carbohydrates, rather passing them into the colon, where they are fermented. You might start by cutting FODMAP foods and then gradually adding them back into your diet to recognize problem foods one at a time. Consult with your doctor before embarking on a low-FODMAP diet because changing your eating habits may affect your wellbeing and even activate disordered eating.

Teas: You can try natural remedies to alleviate bloating and gas. Peppermint tea, ginger, chamomile tea, and pumpkin can all help. Talk to your physician or another healthcare practitioner before using any home or natural remedies since they might have undesirable side effects or interactions with drugs you currently take.


A constantly bloated stomach is a massive issue, and many people will feel ill and tired. Feeling bloated all the time or bloating has several underlying explanations for this after meals. If you follow the checklist above and, according to your symptoms, figure out your underlying cause, it is easy to do things to enhance your discomfort. You don’t need to suffer because you’re advised that bloating is normal and nothing you can do to help with bloating.

See: Ayurvedic Foods For Digestive Health


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