
What to drink for acid reflux & heartburn relief

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What causes acid reflux and heartburn?

A significant proportion of the population is affected by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The common symptoms of GERD, which can be seen, are heartburn and acid reflux. Many people suffer from heartburn, a common problem caused by acid reflux.

Heartburn refers to a burning sensation in the chest area behind the sternum bone. The leading cause of this condition is the backflow of stomach acid up into the esophagus. The underlying reason for this condition is many, but common reasons include; excessive acid production in the stomach and improper functioning of the gastroesophageal sphincter muscle.

The gastroesophageal sphincter muscle is a valve that prevents the backflow of stomach acid up into the esophagus. But due to some medical conditions, when it fails to prevent the backflow of stomach acid up into the esophagus, it results in the condition known as heartburn or acid reflux.

Can some drinks help acid reflux?

GERD symptoms can be enhanced or reduced based on what we eat or drink. Acidic foods and drinks should be eliminated from the diet as they enhance the symptoms of GERD, which are heartburn and acid reflux. Researchers suggest including functional foods and beverages in the diet to prevent heartburn and acid reflux. Functional foods and beverages are food sources included in the diet, which help treat the symptoms of numerous diseases.

According to several studies, many drinks for heartburn and acid reflux can soothe the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. Studies suggest that the consumption of these beverages in the night help in the prevention of heartburn in the morning. Many people complain they feel discomfort due to heartburn early in the morning. As a result, these beverages help people treat heartburn symptoms, which are seen early in the morning. [1,2]

While making dietary changes is essential for managing acid reflux, selecting the right beverages is equally important. Here, we explore a variety of drinks that can help relieve acid reflux symptoms and promote digestive wellness. From soothing herbal teas to natural juices, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on what to drink to find relief.

Best drinks for heartburn and acid reflux

Research studies confirm that acidic drinks should generally be avoided in case of heartburn or acid reflux. Acidic beverages increase stomach acidity and boost the production of more acid. As a result, acid reflux symptoms such as heartburn are enhanced because of increased acid in the stomach. Include drinks or beverages in the diet that can neutralize the acid already present in the stomach and do not further aggravate the acid production in the stomach.

There are several suggestions on what to drink for heartburn relief and acid reflux. Research suggests that the following are some of the drinks and beverages for heartburn & acid reflux:

Herbal Teas for Soothing Relief

Herbal teas have been used for centuries to soothe various ailments, including acid reflux. Here are some types of herbal teas known for their beneficial properties:

a. Chamomile tea: Chamomile possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce esophageal irritation and ease acid reflux symptoms. It promotes relaxation and aids digestion.

b. Ginger tea: Ginger is renowned for its natural anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. Ginger tea can reduce inflammation in the esophagus, alleviate heartburn, and aid digestion.

c. Licorice tea: Licorice root tea has demulcent properties, which can coat and soothe the esophagus, reducing discomfort associated with acid reflux. Consult a healthcare professional before consuming licorice tea regularly, as it may interact with certain medications.

d. Peppermint tea: While refreshing, it is important to note that it may aggravate acid reflux symptoms in some individuals. The relaxing effects of peppermint on the lower esophageal sphincter can cause stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. If peppermint worsens your symptoms, it’s best to avoid it.

Nutritious and Alkaline Drinks

Choosing alkaline beverages can help neutralize stomach acid and relieve acid reflux symptoms. Here are some options:

a. Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera juice can help relieve heartburn and promote the healing of the esophagus due to its soothing properties and ability to reduce inflammation. Ensure the juice is free from added sugars or citric acid, which can exacerbate symptoms.

b. Coconut water: Coconut water is a natural, hydrating, alkaline drink. It can help neutralize excess stomach acid and provide relief from heartburn. However, be mindful of the portion size, as coconut water is rich in natural sugars.

c. Almond milk: Almond milk is a nutritious alternative to dairy milk, which can trigger acid reflux symptoms in some individuals. It is low in fat and can be beneficial for reducing heartburn. Opt for unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugars.

d. Vegetable juices: Freshly squeezed vegetable juices like cucumber or celery juice can help alkalize the body and reduce acid reflux symptoms. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, promoting overall digestive health.

Low-fat milk or Plant-based milk

For some people, it is difficult to digest cow’s milk as it contains higher fat levels and is unsuitable for lactose-intolerant people. Low-fat milk or plant-based milk products like soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, etc., are advised for individuals suffering from heartburn and acid reflux. These milk products are alkaline, which helps neutralize stomach acid, thereby reducing the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux.


It is advised for individuals to consume plain yogurt, which contains the least acidic content. Yogurt contains a wide variety of probiotics, which helps improve digestion, thereby helping control heartburn and acid reflux.

Fruit juices

Fruit juices are a great alternative to help treat heartburn and acid reflux symptoms and improve digestion. But particular fruit drinks are acidic and should be avoided, like citrus drinks, tomato juice, etc. Following are some fruit juices that are not much acidic and can help soothe symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux:

⮚ Carrot juice

Aloe vera juice

⮚ Watermelon juice

See: Diet to Bust Hypertension as per Ayurveda

Water, The Elixir Of Life

Water is the fundamental building block of life and the most basic drink for overall health. Regarding acid reflux, staying hydrated with plain, filtered water is crucial. Water helps dilute stomach acid, aiding digestion and preventing excessive acid buildup. It also promotes proper hydration, which can reduce the severity of symptoms. However, avoid consuming large quantities of water during meals, which may increase stomach distension.

It is one of the best drinks to help prevent heartburn and acid reflux. The neutral ph of water helps dilute the acidity of the stomach. Adequate consumption of water is advised for treating heartburn and acid reflux.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar works for the identical reason lemon juice does — the vinegar increases stomach acid. You may mix approximately two teaspoons to a glass of water and add some honey to make the mix taste better.


Regular whole milk may also help soothe heartburn, but you might need to wait sometime to feel relief. On the other hand, cultured buttermilk is a fast-acting alternative to calm acid reflux. Generally speaking, fermented milk products are excellent dietary additions for heartburn sufferers.


If the flavor of apple cider vinegar or baking soda makes those remedies seem unappealing, try peppermint instead. Peppermint is a component in many antacids; you can find the same effects without taking OTC pills.  You can try drinking peppermint tea or mixing a few drops of peppermint oil with water.

Apples, bananas, and grapes

These fruits can offer natural heartburn relief. Even a single apple piece was known to give quick relief to some people.

Drinks that should be avoided for acid reflux

As per scientific studies, it is evident that acidic drinks should be avoided in the diet as they enhance the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. It is found from these studies that the following drinks should be strictly avoided to prevent heartburn and acid reflux:

Citrus juices

The highly acidic nature of citrus juices aggravates the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. They naturally contain citric acid, which increases the acidity of the stomach. Tomato juice should also be avoided due to its high acidic content. Examples of citrus juices are as follows:

⮚ Orange juice

⮚ Lemon juice

⮚ Grapefruit juice

⮚ Tangerine juice


Coffee is highly acidic and stimulates excess acid production in the stomach. Hence consumption of coffee should be avoided to prevent heartburn and acid reflux symptoms.


Alcohol negatively affects heartburn and acid reflux as it stimulates the stomach to produce more acid and aggravates the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. [7,8] Alcohol makes your esophagus more sensitive to stomach acid. It relaxes the LES, allowing the stomach to reflux into the esophagus. Alcohol intake is also tied to less healthy food choices that can further activate your heartburn. You just do not want alcohol when suffering from heartburn.

Does drinking water help acid reflux?

Heartburn is because of the flow of the acidity in the stomach back into the esophagus. Drinking water can offer relief. It may raise the pH level of the stomach. It may dilute the acid and possibly clear out the esophagus. Water’s pH level is neutral, which may increase the pH level of acidic food.

Recently, there’s been a buzz about drinking alkaline water and its promise to help alleviate heartburn and acid reflux. Alkaline water has lower acidity and higher pH level. According to some, it may neutralize the acid and alleviate the symptoms.

Drinking alkaline water will neutralize the liquid for a couple of minutes only. However, it won’t solve the primary reason why there’s acidity in the stomach to begin with. Additionally, drinking a lot of water can dilute the remainder of the minerals within the body. Therefore, it can most likely increase the odds of experiencing acid reflux.

If you would like to think about alkaline water to treat heartburn, speak with your physician first. Be certain to partner it with different remedies to immediately fix the signs and symptoms.

Drinking water can help with the immediate relief of these signs. But this may not be a great remedy to fix the matter in the long term.

One 2012 study done in a laboratory found that water with a pH of 8.8 did appear to inactivate pepsin, an enzyme associated with the production of uric acid (the kind found in your stomach). The water had a buffering effect against uric acid. “These in vitro data indicate that alkaline water might be a useful, risk-free adjunctive treatment for celiac disease,” the study authors wrote, even though they also said that more study was needed, such as studies in people.[8]

If you’re having heartburn two or more times per week, it’s best to seek expert help immediately. It could signal a bigger health issue. Proceed to a physician so the problem can be solved straight away.

Modifying your lifestyle habits for GERD and acid reflux

It’s important to know what to drink that can help soothe heartburn. But it is equally important to know when and how you drink beverages that may make a difference in GERD symptoms. These tips can help soother your symptoms :

– Do not eat for at least three hours before bedtime.

– Eat while maintaining an upright position, and maintain a vertical posture during and after eating and drinking.

– Moderate your alcohol intake. Drinking too much alcohol may lead to reflux symptoms in certain people.

– Reduce or remove hot foods and fried foods.

– Avoid skipping breakfast or lunch, which may result in overeating – and overdrinking – late in the day.

– Give up late-night snacks, such as drinks, that can cause heartburn. This includes carbonated and carbonated drinks.

– Elevate the head of your mattress, so gravity can help keep acid from slipping into your esophagus.

Practicing healthy drinking habits and noting how your symptoms respond to certain foods and beverages can lower your reflux symptoms and improve your well-being.


Heartburn and acid reflux are chronic conditions, and it is essential to include functional foods and beverages in the diet to help treat such conditions naturally. With proper care, individuals can identify the drinks that are good for them during heartburn or acid reflux and which should be avoided. Breakfast and lunch should not be skipped as they promote heartburn and acid reflux symptoms, resulting in overeating at night. Avoiding late-night snacks and carbonated beverages can help to minimize heartburn or acid reflux.


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