
Sound Healing Meditation

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Sound healing meditation is a powerful technique that combines sound’s healing power with mindfulness’s meditative benefits. Sound has been used for relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. This article will explore sound healing meditation’s history, benefits, and techniques.

What is Sound Healing Meditation

Sound healing meditation is a technique that uses sound to promote healing and relaxation in the body and mind. It can be done through various methods, such as listening to music, singing bowls, chanting, or simply listening to your breath. The idea behind sound healing is that sound vibration can profoundly affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Sound healing meditation is often used as a complementary therapy to traditional medicine and is becoming more widely accepted as a valid alternative therapy. Sound healing can help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure, and promote inner peace and well-being.

History of Sound Healing Meditation

The use of sound for healing dates back thousands of years and can be found in many cultures and traditions worldwide. In ancient Greece, music was used as a form of therapy. In India, chanting and singing have been used for 1000 years to promote healing and spiritual growth. And in China, sound therapy can be traced back to the Taoist tradition, which was used to balance the energy of the body and mind. The use of sound for healing has become popular in recent years.

Benefits of Sound Healing Meditation

Sound healing meditation has many benefits and can be experienced physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Here are a few benefits of this powerful technique:

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

One of the most well-known benefits of sound healing meditation is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Listening to calming music or the sound of singing bowls can help to calm the mind and promote relaxation, reducing the levels of stress hormones in the body.

Improves Sleep Quality

Sound healing meditation can also help to improve sleep quality, allowing you to get a more restful and rejuvenating sleep. It is because calming sounds can help to slow down the mind and promote relaxation, making it easier to sleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that sound healing meditation can help lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and other related health problems. It is because calming sounds can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can help lower blood pressure levels.

Enhances Mood

Sound healing meditation can also enhance mood and promote a sense of well-being. Listening to uplifting music or the sound of singing bowls can help to boost your mood and promote feelings of happiness and joy.

Promotes Inner Peace

Finally, sound healing meditation can promote inner peace and tranquility. The calming sounds can help quiet the mind and promote a sense of serenity, allowing you to connect more enormously with your inner self and experience greater inner peace.

Sound Healing Techniques


Chanting is a technique used in sound healing meditation that involves repeating a mantra or phrase believed to have healing properties. Chanting is often done in a group setting, with participants sitting in a circle and chanting together. A vibration that resonates with the body, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Chanting can be done in various languages, such as Sanskrit, Tibetan, or English. The choice of language and mantra is often based on personal preference or the group’s tradition. Some popular mantras used in chanting include “Om,” “Hare Krishna,” “Aum Namah Shivaya,” and “Om Mani Padme Hum.”

Singing Bowls

Singing bowls are an instrument used in sound healing meditation that produces a rich and soothing sound when struck or played with a mallet. Singing bowls are made of various materials, such as metal, crystal, or clay, and come in different sizes and shapes.

The sound produced by singing bowls is said to have healing properties that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall health. The vibrations produced by the sound are believed to balance the chakras and promote energy flow throughout the body.

To use a singing bowl, the practitioner will strike the bowl with a mallet or use a circular motion to create a sustained sound. The bowl is often placed on the ground or a cushion, and the practitioner will sit nearby to absorb the sound.

Gong Bath

A gong bath is a sound healing meditation using a large gong to produce a deep and resonant sound. The gong is played continuously for some time, creating a sound that promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

The vibrations created by the gong are believed to affect the body at a cellular level, cure healing, and restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit. The sound produced by the gong is often described as a “sonic massage,” as the vibrations penetrate deep into the body, promoting deep relaxation and inner peace.

During a gong bath, the practitioner will often lie on a mat or cushion and close their eyes to absorb the sound. The gong is played continuously for some time, ranging from 30 minutes to an hour or more.

Tuning Forks

Tuning forks are used in sound healing meditation, producing a pure and precise tone when struck. Tuning forks are often made of metal and come in different frequencies corresponding to different body parts. The sound tuning forks produce healing and restore body, mind, and spirit balance. The vibrations created by the sound stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and promote relaxation and reduced stress.

To use tuning forks in sound healing meditation, the practitioner will strike the fork and place it on specific body points, such as the chakras or acupuncture points. The sound built by the tuning fork stimulates the energy flow and promotes healing.

Binaural beats

One of the simplest ways to incorporate binaural beats into your meditation practice is to listen to a binaural beats meditation track. These tracks are designed to induce relaxation and promote mental and emotional well-being.

To use a binaural beats meditation track, simply find a noiseless place to sit or lie down and wear headphones. Close your eyes and centralize on your breath, allowing the binaural beats to guide you into a state of relaxation. Another technique for incorporating binaural beats into your meditation is listening to a guided meditation with binaural beats. Guided meditations are audio recordings that provide meditation instructions designed to help you relax and focus.

To use a guided meditation with binaural beats, find a soundless place to sit or lie down and wear headphones. Follow the instructions in the guided meditation, allowing the binaural beats to guide you into relaxation.

Here we discuss this with Lucia Modesto, a sound therapist, to get her thoughts on this topic.

NourishDoc: Hello, everyone. Well, how do we access our subconscious mind? We all have all these memories that are edged in our brains, right? But what is the vehicle? What is the tool? Sound therapy is one of the tools that we are going to be discussing with Lucia. Lucia is joining me live from LA. She is a sound therapist. Thank you so much, Lucia, for joining, and welcome.

Sound Therapist Lucia: Thank you so much for having me.

Sound Healing Healing For Subconscious Mind

NourishDoc: Let’s talk about using sound to reach people’s subconscious minds and help them.

Sound Therapist Lucia: Many people don’t realize that you can tap into your subconscious mind, and sound is a tool to get there. So, on a regular day-to-day basis, we’re at work, checking off a to-do list and our tasks. That brainwave state that we’re in is called the beta brainwave state. We’re talking to one another.

We’re checking off the to-do list. All of that kind of stuff and going about our daily lives. In the brainwave state, your subconscious mind is quieted in the background. At the same time, your conscious mind is very alert. A level relaxed from that brainwave state is the alpha brainwave state. So, an alpha brainwave state is when you kind of sun tanning on a beach; maybe you’re on vacation; maybe you’re enjoying some time at the park you are not so consciously aware of everything that you have to do or running a list you’re just a little bit more relax and more ease.

A level relaxed even more under that is a theta brainwave sta, and that is where all of our subconscious thoughts and habits all live; the theta brainwave state is like right when before you’re about to fall asleep; it’s when you’re daydreaming, and kind of in an on a whole different world and your conscious mind is mostly on and your subconscious mind isn’t mostly on and then even a deep level relaxed under that is a delta brainwave state, and that’s when you’re sleeping.

Your conscious mind is off. Your subconscious mind is fully on in the dream world and allows your body to take some rest. So, I use sound mainly as a tool to help us get back to that theta brainwave state, making the brain go from beta then to alp and then to theta using sounds like singing bowls, tuning Works, chimes, all those kinds of instruments create a strone that allow your brain to be in training into a more relaxed place which is that subconscious mind space in the theta brainwave state. That’s like a crash course on the Brainwave States.

Sound Healing Journey

NourishDoc: No, it’s fascinating. Maybe you could share some story of how you’ve helped one of your clients and when you are when they are into the subconscious state, kind of thoughts they are sharing with you, kind of visual imagery that’s coming because that’s also part of what we are thinking, right? When you say, oh, remember when you were kind, and immediately, you remember running into your grandmom’s house or something like that. So, please explain to us what happens during that journey.

Sound Therapist Lucia: Yeah, so the way that I set up my sound within sessions in particular. It’s seventy-five minutes, and I’m talking to a client for the first 10 or 15 minutes to set an intention on what they’re looking to find. It typically involves transforming women’s beliefs, finding mental clarity, or healing through trauma.

So, for example, I have a client who has had trouble with their sexual identity. Much shame comes from what this person has experienced. We intend to dive into transforming that shame into self-compassion. As we dive into the sound meditation, I’m using singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, and all of these things to allow this person to get more relaxed. I’m also using my voice in a very particular way to get that mind to relax and allow them to talk back to me as they see all of these different things.

So, for example, we’ll go into a cloud in this meditation. In that cloud, you see some doors that bring you to this intention and to find clarity on why I felt shame about this particular top. They’ll describe to me what the door looks like, like maybe it’s a yellow door with flowers on it; all that stuff the client tells me is living in their subconscious mind. I am not making it up. I’m not telling them what they see, but this yellow door is significant.

Then they’ll walk through this do, and they’ll tell me what they see. It may be a memory with their parents and maybe a beautiful scenery they’re looking at; they may be interacting with people they love. They may be interacting with their ancestors. Sometimes I also invite help or guidance, whether calling in ancestors or calling any guide that wants to show up. A guide can show and look like a teddy bear from their childhood.

A guide can show and look like an angel of sorts. It all is manifested in somebody’s subconscious thoughts. Right? It already lives within the, and seeing what some people will generate in these sessions has been really powerful. I have had somebody interact with a grandmother who had passed away. I’ve had somebody interact with loved ones, and this stuff can get intimate and intense.

However, the only way a person can get intimate with that part of their mind is to feel relaxed enough. It’s harder to do when we’re just talking and having a coffee. You’re telling me about a limiting belief about not feeling worthy enough or feeling shame. Then it takes much work to get to those deep layers. So, the sound is a beautiful tool to help the body and the mind relax actually to get there.

Then once we’re done with the session, we’ll come back, and we’ll land together, and I’ll relay to them what they experienced and, in a way, like a mirror, what’s happening, and things may stick out. They might add more details about what they saw and experienced, and I’ve equipped them. I’m a leadership coach as well. So I’ll equip them with some tools to integrate experience and ensure they feel supported and ready to take on the rest of the day.

What Do Sound Healing Sessions Include?

NourishDoc: That’s fascinating. So it’s like counseling but differently, like a psychotherapist would talk, or it’s more like a talk counseling. This is losing sound as counseling and getting the negative thoughts out of the brain. So how many sessions do people need to start feeling better?

Sound Therapist Lucia: I’ve seen one session truly transform people. I’ve had people describe it as lucid dreaming. However, you are awake, and it’s also just a very intentional journey. However, I often work with people weekly, every other week, or monthly, which is rare. However, I see people consistently, and every time we build on what we explored last time, sometimes in homework as my clients.

We sometimes will see this as an alternative to therapy if they’re uncomfortable talking to a therapist like normal. However, I also see it as if I’m helping you heal yourself because, as I said, I’m not telling these people what to see and envision. I am guiding them. I’m not a licensed therapist. So, I also want to say that. However, we are already healed within, like all within us. We sometimes need some guidance to tap into that, and it’s just been a really powerful tool.

What Is Sound Healing Used For?

NourishDoc: Fascinating, yes, absolutely, and you are the guide, along with the sound, all the instruments that you’re bringing along with guiding them with their thoughts or whatever is going on in their subconscious mind so that they can start getting more clarity or confidence or less anxiety or whatever. What are some of the issues that people will come to you about? Maybe you can tell us a little bit about that.

Sound Therapist Lucia: Yeah, I have some folks just looking for more self-compassion for themselves and others. I have some folks who, so I mainly work with leaders. So, people who consider themselves a leader manager, somebody who’s working on a mission towards a big goal, they might be a creative leader as we and all of these folks that I work with have challenges in terms of they’re constantly focused on supporting other people, helping other people but don’t always have that time for themselves.

But some people know that their mental health is important but don’t always have time. Also, people who have an awareness that to change the world or to start to come to the awareness that to change the world, you must change from within first, and so, a lot of the folks that I’m working with, there are maybe looking for knowing that something is blocking them like their inspiration is gone, they feel like they’ve just been in the day-to-day kind of motions, they might be with anxiety, stress, depression they may be dealing with relationship issues and challenges, communication as well, or they may have gone through some serious trauma in the past.

As I mentioned, somebody has this sort of shame around their sexual identity. They’ve experienced trauma from that. I am someone who has experienced sexual trauma. I’m attracting folks who experience the same, so that comes in. A lot of inner child work comes in as well. So, finding ways to soothe that inner child as I think a lot of the things that happen to us as an adult have a lot to do with those years from zero to seven, which, funny enough, that is where in the only time in our life where we lived in the Theta Brainwave state.

The Theta Brainwave State is where we develop our subconscious thoughts, habits, and behaviors; if I constantly saw my mom giving to other people I was five years old, I may have a tendency also to be giving to other people all the time, maybe to my detriment, so while that may not be a negative trait in general, that could have caused me damage in my adult life. So, it’s stuff like that that we get to go through in the kind of sound healing journeys I offer.

NourishDoc: Okay, well, thank you so much. That gives a comprehensive overview of what sound Healing can offer anyone who wants to go through this journey. It sounds like a beautiful journey. I’ve never tried it, but I’m going to try a guided session that sounds beautiful. Thank you so much, Lucia, for sharing your and one of your client’s stories. Appreciate that.

To all the viewers out there. Thank you so much for supporting us. We are over 200 thousand followers now. Every day we bring you 10 minutes of technology from all over the world. So, please keep supporting and take some value from this. That’s all we are our request is. Thank you. Anything else you like to add, Lucia, before I wrap up?

Sound Therapist Lucia: Yeah, for sure. So, I offer virtual sessions to people all over the world. If you’re interested in my work, please visit Lucia Luminate.com, and you can learn so much more there. Thank you.

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