
Menopause As A Positive Transition

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Menopause, often portrayed as a dreaded phase in a woman’s life, is a natural transition that marks the end of reproductive years. While it brings about various physical and emotional changes, it is essential to recognize that Menopause can also be viewed as a positive transition. Here, we shed light on the empowering aspects of Menopause and highlight the potential for personal growth, renewed vitality, and a deeper connection with self. By embracing this transformative journey, women can discover newfound freedom, wisdom, and a sense of liberation.

Understanding Menopause

 Menopause typically occurs in a woman’s late 40s to early 50s and is defined as the cessation of menstruation. It is caused by a decline in reproductive hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. While physical symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and irregular periods can be challenging, it is important to remember that Menopause signifies a significant shift in a woman’s life.

Embracing Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

 Menopause allows introspection and self-discovery. With the end of fertility, women can redirect their energy toward personal growth and self-care. It is a time to remember past achievements, reassess priorities, and explore new interests and passions. As hormonal fluctuations stabilize, women often experience increased clarity and emotional balance, allowing them to make more informed decisions about their lives.

Moreover, Menopause fosters a deeper connection with one’s body. By understanding the changes occurring within, women can develop a stronger bond with themselves. This newfound self-awareness paves the way for improved self-esteem, self-acceptance, and well-being.

Liberation from Societal Expectations

Menopause signals a break from societal expectations and stereotypes associated with youth and fertility. Women can liberate themselves from the pressure to conform to conventional beauty standards or the desire to bear children. This transition allows women to redefine their identity, embracing their authentic selves and focusing on personal fulfillment rather than external validation.

Menopause also brings a sense of freedom from the monthly cycle and the limitations it can impose on daily life. No longer bound by menstruation, women can pursue activities and experiences without concerns about interruptions. This newfound freedom allows for a renewed focus on career advancement, travel, and personal growth.

Wisdom and Emotional Well-being

 A deepening sense of wisdom and emotional well-being often accompanies Menopause. With life experience and a more profound understanding of oneself, women can navigate challenges with resilience and grace. The transition through Menopause can bring a heightened sense of empathy, self-compassion, and a renewed perspective on life.

Additionally, Menopause allows women to shed societal expectations and prioritize their emotional needs. It is a time to engage in self-care practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and nurturing relationships. Emotional growth during Menopause can lead to stronger connections with loved ones and a greater appreciation for life’s joys.

 Menopause, despite its reputation for being a challenging phase, offers a positive transition for women. By reframing Menopause as an opportunity for personal growth, self-awareness, liberation, and wisdom, women can embrace this transformative journey with optimism and enthusiasm. It is crucial to encourage open conversations and support systems that enable women to navigate Menopause gracefully and confidently. Menopause marks a new chapter in a woman’s life, filled with possibilities and the potential for a more fulfilling and empowered future.

Here we discuss this with Laura Shuckburgh, a menopause coach, to get her thoughts on this topic.

Positive Transition With Menopause

NourishDoc: Talk about the positive transformation that you follow

Menopause coach Laura: I think, and I believe it to be, that we are meant to go through that we are meant to go down kind of and into ourselves and to retreat so that we can then come out the other side and be stronger and be more powerful, fall and be more positive, and be more creative. Like my clients, I teach them tools and techniques to help them get through this time of turbulence.

All women will go through menopause, and some will struggle more than others. But ultimately, it’s a time to regain our sovereignty and be kind of that wise woman that is what we should reveal rather than the youth we tend to reveal in Western societies. So women want to find purpose at this time. They want to find their purpose, and many people come to me, saying, Look, I just feel like I lack purpose. I am still determining where I’m going. I think that’s part of it. I think that’s it.

It’s about kind of unpacking the layers and finding that purpose. Finding a way to come out the other maybe learning something that we’ve not done before because we’ve been so used to looking after everybody else. This is a time for us if there’s a time that we have to take care of our own needs.

Toolkit for a positive transition

NourishDoc: What are some different tools that helped to transform yourself into a positive space?

Menopause coach Laura: I believe this to be true for everybody going through menopause; there’s not one thing it’s, it’s a whole kind of toolkit of strategy strategies. And for me, it was HRT that helped me, I’m on the estrogen gel, and I’ve got a Mirena coil that was very useful for me, but it wasn’t a magic pill. But it was looking at my nutrition. And my lifestyle, was I moving enough? Was I exercising enough? 

It was about finding tools to transform the negativity in my mind when I was in that menopause phase. And I know that women get into, you know, that kind of the little negative Gremlins; it’s about being able to reframe that and have tools to be able to stop that. So then we can start to think about things positively; gratitude is massive now, you know, looking at what we’ve got and are grateful for. But it’s when it was a few pillars, nutrition, exercise, and movement mindset, that what I was just talking about then, and then kind of the soul work, the work of our soul, the inner work that we must do in menopause. 

Struggles in menopause

NourishDoc: What are the most common things many women are struggling with

Menopause coach Laura: Anxiety is usually the number one thing. It’s the number one sign on my Facebook group as well. And I don’t tend to call them symptoms anymore. And maybe two because it’s not. It’s medicalizing. It feels like we’re medicalizing menopause when we call them symptoms, so I call them signs and possible impacts, anxiety, and overwhelm. Work-life balance is completely out of kilter fatigue, chronic fatigue, mood swings, brain fog, all of you know all those things, night sweats, and lack and lack of confidence because I think. I know this to be true that all of the signs and the impacts of menopause can harm our confidence in women.


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