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Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effective of Liver Care Capsule and Tablet in Viral Hepatitis
Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Liver Care Capsule and Liver Care Tablets in patients of acute viral hepatitis. Hepatitis infection has become a major worldwide health problem because of the potential nature of course of the disease to cirrhosis and the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Acute viral infection is the most common cause of all forms of hepatitis. The viral hepatitis have been thought to be self limiting in nature but sometimes the majority of patients of viral hepatitis have been observed ending up with serious complications like hepatic failure, etc. So, the clinical study was planned to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Liver Care Capsules and Liver Care Tablets on scientific parameters. In the clinical trial, two groups of patients of viral hepatitis have been studied to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Liver Care Capsules and Liver Care Tablets. The first group was given a Liver care capsule and Liver care tablet, two capsules and two tablets, twice daily. The second group was given 100 gm of glucose powder daily. The trial was conducted for one month and liver functions were periodically evaluated to assess the hepatoprotective effect of drugs under trial. At the end of the trial, the group first exhibited hepatoprotective efficiency over the control.
Acute viral hepatitis is considered to be a self limiting disease, caused by the infected virus, but sometimes the majority of hepatic viral diseases are ending up with serious complications. So, a faster restoration is desirable for every patient, even though they suffer from a self limiting disease. Viral hepatitis and its complications still do not have appropriate drugs in modern medicine.
Ayurveda has a lot of hepatoprotective drugs, which can fill up this gap. Hepatoprotective drugs like Bhumyamalki (Phyllanthus niruri), Kalmegha (Andrographis paniculata) and Bhringraja (Eclipta alba) etc. have been suggested to be useful in hepatitis. All the selected trial drugs are bitter and are considered hepatoprotective and cholagogues. In Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia, they are considered Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter) taste predominant drugs and as Pitta Virechaka (help in secretion of bile), Deepan (Appetizer), Yakrit Vikarahara (helps cure liver disorders) and thus protect liver damage.
The clinical research was undertaken at Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic and Research Center. Only those patients were selected for a clinical trial, who presented themselves with anorexia, nausea, vomiting, low grade fever, weakness, dark urine, jaundice and tender hepatomegaly with abnormal liver function test (LFTs). They were confirmed to have abnormal serum bilirubin, ALT, AST, serum alkaline phosphatase, and were not on any other hepatoprotective or hepatotoxic drug at the initiation of trial. Assessment of result therapy was made in different parameters in subjective parameters (chief complaints and associated symptoms and signs) and biochemical parameters (objective parameters). Each patient was subjected to series of laboratory tests such as serum bilirubin, AST, ALT, serum alkaline phosphatase, HbSAg, HCV and liver ultrasound before treatment, after 1 month of treatment and after two months of treatment to know the extent of liver damage as well as the rate of response to trial drugs. The trial was conducted for two months. Fresh raw drugs were procured from the market. After inspection, a Liver Care Capsule and Liver Care Tablet were prepared from the hospital pharmacy. The standard of purify, quality and packing was maintained as per Good Manufacturing Practice.
Trial Group
Formulation A – Liver care capsule and Liver care tablet
OPD patients explained the procedure thoroughly and told the importance of therapy. In this group, 18 patients were registered, of which 15 completed a full course of trial of two months. The group was given a Liver care capsule and Liver care tablet twice daily.
Control Group
Formulation B – Glucose powder
The patients of this group were given a 50 gm of glucose powder per day. In this group (control group), 10 patients were registered of which 7 patients completed full duration of trial.
Acute viral hepatitis is a systemic viral infection in which hepatic cell necrosis and hepatic inflammation lead to a characteristic constellation of clinical, biochemical, immuno serological and morphological features. Almost all cases of acute viral hepatitis are caused by one of 5 viral agents, hepatitis A virus (HAV) to hepatitis E Virus (HEV). These agents can be distinguished by their molecular and antigenic properties; all types of viral hepatitis produce clinically similar illness. The first biochemical sign of hepatitis is a rise in the concentration of AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT).
The trial is exploration of ancient Ayurvedic literature to screen and standardize the Ayurvedic bitter herbs in protecting the hepatic damage caused by viral infection. The trial drugs Liver care tablet and Liver care capsule showed definitive hepatoprotective effect over the trial period of two months. All these drugs are having potent hepatoprotective, immune stimulating, anti inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, cholagogue, adaptogenic and membrane stabilizing properties, which are constitutive qualities for any hepatoprotective drugs to act against viral hepatitis. These activities have been attributed to their anticholestatic action, reduction in free radicals and reduction in cell protein necrosis as well as immune suppression and glutathione depletion reduction potential. The extracts of Phyllanthus niuri inhibit the reaction between HBsAg (surface antigen of HBV) and the antibody (anti HBs) to it and also inhibit the activity of endogenous DNA polymerase of HBV. The patients of all 2 groups showed statistically reduction in markers of enzymes of hepatotoxicity i.e. serum bilirubin, ALT, AST and serum alkaline phosphatase. But patients of the trial group I exhibited hepatoprotective efficiency over the control group.
Liver care capsule and Liver care tablet have proved to be effective hepatoprotective agents as these components have produced statistically significant improvement in the clinical manifestations of the patients registered for the current trial along with reduction in marker of enzymes of hepatotoxicity i.e. serum bilirubin, ALT, AST and serum alkaline phosphatase. Thus it can be concluded that Liver care capsule and Liver care tablet are effective in checking the progress of the acute viral hepatitis.
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