HYPOTHYROIDISM (No Need To Take Thyroxine for Life Time )
Thyroid disorder is a common complaint chronic medical condition that affects almost every age with significant increase in number of cases every year. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause but after consumption of Iodized salt the T.S.H levels show an upward tick.
There are two type of Thyroid disorders: Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism.
HYPOTHYROIDISM – Reduction of T3 (Tri-iodo thyronine) and T4 (Tetra Iodo thyronine) production and increased production T.S.H.
HYPERTHYROIDISM – Increase in production of T3 and T4 and reduced production of T.S.H.
Presently most of the cases reported on our clinic are of hypothyroidism in which the production of T3 and T4 is reduced and in this particular case, we observed an increase in T.S.H levels.
It is rather mysterious that even after consuming Iodized salt, why our thyroid gland is not capable of producing enough Thyroixine hormones.
After considering all the facts, I prescribed the patient a dose of Homeopathic medicine with Sec lec for 15 days (We are not disclosing exact treatment protocol)
1st Follow-up: July 6th 2017
Patient told the us that he feels relief from almost all of his original complaints.
1. Acidity: Reduced
2. Pain in Cardiac region: Gone
3. Swelling on face: Slight improvement
4. Headache on vertex region: Gone after homeopathic medication
5. Indigestion: Significant improvement
6. Obstructed sensation in throat: Reduced. Patient is not over sleepy now, without heaviness on eyes and face.
2nd Follow- up:
1. Acidity: Not present
2. Pain in Cardiac region: Gone
3. Swelling on face: Reduced
4. Headache on vertex region: Gone after homeopathic medication
5. Indigestion: Significant improvement
6. Obstructed sensation in throat: Reduced.
Date of Results: August, 31, 2017 2017/08/31 (Please see attached report)
RESULTS: T.S.H. – Normal, T3 – Normal, T4 – Normal
Patient has shown significant improvement in his symptoms and pathology. It is an excellent demonstration for a case of hypothyroidism that demonstrates hat thyroid gland can resume its original functions and produce its hormones naturally. There is no need for Hormone replacement therapy. This is indeed a success case of Homeopathy treatment for hypothyroidism.