Treatment Explanation and use of Li11 Acupuncture Point
88-03 – points regarded as most important in Tung acupuncture for the treatment of skin issues.
88-07 – strengthen the liver, clear toxins from the blood and strengthen blood (TCM).
88-06 – five points, the center point is Sp10, an important point in clearing heat from the blood.
I needled 88.25 corresponding to the location for Gb31 which treats itch.
99.08 – treats skin issues and especially itch.
Li 11 Acupuncture Point – an important point in the treatment of skin issues that are due to heat, combined with Si-3 which treats urticaria. (instead of Si-3 i needled 22.08 which is located half of a cun from Si-3).
88-03 and Li11 were needled in the technique of Tòu tiān liáng透天凉 cooling the heavens.
Frequency of treatments: Once per week.
After the fifth treatment the rash disappeared completely. I did one more treatment and then the patient asked that I focus on her back pain. I did one treatment for back issues and one week later, treatment 8, two spots of the rash appeared. I treated the rash and on the 10th treatment she came with no rash. I continued to treat for two more treatments. The rash did not reappear and I was able to focus on back problems.
Right side: Treatment 11 after the rash disappeared.
Left side: photographed during treatment 9 when the rash reappeared.