I prescribed a Ars.alb 200 once in 15 days
During his waiting time, he was restless and driving from place to moves.. That was the main symptom I observed in him
MIND ANGUISH driving from place to place with restlessness .
One more noticeable symptom in patient is felt INSECURE for his health.. This insecurity dominates the Arsenicum patients.
Because of this insecurity and anxiety , he keeps checking his health condition with different lab tests without advice of doctor..
MIND Anxiety about health.
Ars people desire company, desire company not for chit chat, but to share his anxiety… The patient needs support.. Support from different doctors. He was so anxious, in fear and in hurry for fast recovery, for that he depends on different doctors.. He can’t trust people easily.. He has a fear of robbers (means he has fear of being robbed of his health by wrong doctor or wrong prescription) that is why he needs assurance.. He is cautious in very thing. Cautious in selecting doctor, for that he depends on internet or friends…
MIND company desire for
MIND CARRIED desires to be carried, fast
MIND FEAR robbers of
ARS patients are possessive for their belongings.. Including family, children health… They always like to maintain their belongings in proper order and place, including health.. They can’t tolerate even thinking of something happening to them. The patients want every tests to be done that may be necessary or not, but he can’t take chance.. He wants every possible remedy in homeo and allopathy as well.. This is called GREED, stupidity
MIND GREED, Cupidity
MIND DESIRES full of desires, more than he needs
The patient asked me for other doctors consultation, for cross check.. But I said no… Again he asked the same question two time..
NOTE : If the person asks same question repeatedly even after getting answer, means either he expects another answer from you or he wants more assurance..
phosphorus patients also have this dependence on doctors, but in phos, patient mentally calms down after assurance from doctor.. Where as in Ars.alb, he won’t get relaxed even after doctors assurance.. He needs more assurance, because he is so cautious and greedy about his recovery.
That is why I allowed him to go to allopathic doctor for more assurance , I intentionally gave him my friend’s clinic address, because no other allopath would send his patient back to homeopath without medications. Usually, patients comes to homeopath after using many allopathic medications . In that cases, I don’t allow patient to stop all allopathic medications at once.. I decrease dosage of allopathic drugs day by day according to the Improvement of the patient.. But here patient came first to me, that was chance to prove homeopathy efficiency.. This type of cases increase confidence in both patients and doctors as well.
Hypertriglyceridemia denotes high (hyper-) blood levels (-emia) of triglycerides, the most abundant fatty molecule in most organisms. Elevated levels of triglycerides are associated with atherosclerosis, even in the absence of hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels), and predispose to cardiovascular disease
After few doses of Arsenicum album, patient remarkably started improving. His appetite increased. His has no nausea .He is free from most of his gastric troubles. His triglycerides level decreased with in few months.. Patient is still under observation and had shown considerable improvement.