Essential oils have gained significant popularity recently, with enthusiasts touting their numerous health benefits and therapeutic properties. However, along with this surge in popularity, a fair share of myths and misconceptions about essential oils has emerged. Here, we explore to debunk some of the most expected myths surrounding essential oils. By separating fact from fiction, we hope to provide readers with a clearer understanding of these aromatic extracts and their capabilities.
Myth 1: Essential oils can cure all ailments
One of the most pervasive myths surrounding essential oils is their magical ability to cure all ailments. While essential oils do offer certain benefits, it is crucial to understand their limitations. Essential oils are derived from plants and incorporate concentrated compounds that may have therapeutic properties. However, they should never be assumed as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
It is essential to remember that government bodies do not regulate essential oils for medicinal purposes. While some oils may help alleviate specific symptoms or support overall well-being, they cannot cure diseases or replace prescribed medications. For instance, claims that essential oils can cure cancer, diabetes, or serious infections are unsubstantiated and potentially dangerous.
Myth 2: Essential oils are completely safe for internal use
Another myth surrounding essential oils is that they can be consumed internally without risks. In reality, ingesting essential oils can be hazardous and should be done with extreme caution.
Essential oils are highly concentrated elements and can be toxic when taken internally in large quantities or used improperly. They may cause irritation, gastrointestinal distress, liver damage, and interact adversely with medications. Only certain oils, like peppermint and lemon, are considered safe for internal use when diluted properly and under the guidance of a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional.
Myth 3: Essential oils are a panacea for mental health issues
Essential oils have gained popularity as a complementary therapy for mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. While some oils, such as lavender and chamomile, have calming properties, it is essential to recognize that essential oils alone cannot treat or cure mental health disorders.
Mental health issues are complicated and require a holistic approach that often includes therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and support networks. While essential oils may help promote relaxation and create a soothing atmosphere, they should never replace evidence-based treatments for mental health conditions. Relying solely on essential oils for serious mental health concerns can lead to delayed or inadequate treatment, potentially worsening the condition.
Myth 4: All essential oil brands are created equal
With numerous essential oil brands flooding the market, it is essential to debunk the myth that all brands are created equal. The quality and purity of essential oils vary greatly, and not all products on the market meet the same standards.
Some companies may dilute their essential oils with synthetic additives or use low-quality plants in the extraction process, compromising the overall efficacy and safety of the oils. To ensure you purchase a high-quality product, look for reputable brands that provide third-party testing, use sustainable sourcing practices, and adhere to strict quality control standards.
Myth 5: Essential Oils Can Replace Antibiotics
There is a widespread misconception that essential oils can replace antibiotics in treating bacterial infections. While certain essential oils have antimicrobial properties, their effectiveness against bacteria is limited compared to the targeted action of antibiotics. Essential oils can be complementary to promote a healthy immune system and support general well-being. Still, they should not be utilized as a substitute for prescribed antibiotics. It is always advisable to obey the guidance of medical professionals when dealing with bacterial infections.
Myth 6: Essential Oils Can Treat Cancer
One dangerous myth that has gained traction is the belief that essential oils can cure or treat cancer. While some studies have suggested that certain essential oils may have anti-cancer properties, no scientific evidence supports the notion that essential oils alone can cure cancer. Cancer treatment requires specialized medical care, and relying on proven medical interventions is essential.
While essential oils offer some benefits and can enhance well-being, dispelling the myths surrounding them is important. Essential oils are not miracle cures, should not be ingested without caution, cannot solely address mental health issues, and vary in quality across brands. Understanding these truths will enable individuals to use essential oils safely and responsibly, incorporating them into a broader health and wellness regimen.
By promoting evidence-based information and debunking common myths, we can ensure that essential oils are used appropriately, respecting their true potential while avoiding unrealistic expectations and potential health risks.
Here we discuss this with Tatiana, an aromatherapist, to get her thoughts on this topic.
NourishDoc: Hello, everyone. Hope everyone is getting ready for the July 4th weekend. I know I am. The topic today is so beautiful. We all love aromatherapy. Smell is one of the five senses that we all have. But how do we use it and we need to understand that it can also be used to enhance our health. So we will understand essential oils today from an aromatherapist Tatiana who is now joining me.
All right, so let’s understand what essential oils are; that’s number one, and then number two is the quality of the essential oil, right? We, people, talk about this but don’t buy from that. So, we know we do understand because, as a consumer, we don’t understand what we should do.
What Exactly are Essential Oils?
Aromatherapist Tatiana: Okay. So, let’s start with the definition, right? I’ll tell you, I would say the shortest definition, right? So essential oils are volatile substances, and there are chemical substances. So I always love to say this example. So you cannot take a lemon as a fruit and say, oh, it’s equal to lemon essential oils, right?
So, yes, we’re getting it from natural material like lemon, but when it goes through steam distillation, when it goes through cold pressing, any other method of getting the oil, so, in the end, we’re getting a substance that is volatile, right? It evaporates, and it’s absolutely 100% chemical substance. So, what do I mean by that? So, every time we get oil, it’s good to use gas chromatography, a specific test that distillers usually use to know which constituents are in the oil. So, that’s why we, as aromatherapists, say that Oils are chemical substances, right? So this is number one, right? What is an essential oil?
Essential Oils – It’s Quality
So and for the second one, what is pure oil? As everybody talks about doTERRA Young Living, some people love buying on Amazon. So every single association, like the aromatherapists association, says that Essential oil is a hundred percent pure when during the distillation process we didn’t use anything. In the end, we didn’t add any constituents, we didn’t take any constituents from the oil, it’s literally when the whole process from getting raw material, so when the raw material goes through the process, as I said before, right, cold pressing, costume distillation, and at the end, we’re getting hundred percent pure essential oil. Plus, we have to keep this in mind, right? So, the transportation of essential oil is important. How it’s the storage the same? Like, is it a cold environment? Is it a hot environment? So, it’s all important.
Buying Guide for Essential Oils
So, those things must be considered, but again, you can ask the company you’re buying from, like, what about those things, right? Like, how the oil is transported, right? And how it’s storage. So, pretty much, yes, there are tons of good, amazing essential oil companies. You shouldn’t go with marketing thing. So, it’s good to ask maybe your friends or just Google and the internet to buy essential oils.
So, but once again, like, let’s, I would say, like, MLM thing, wouldn’t be on your way for your decision making, because literally, I would say I go every year I go to Terra Blue Lavender Farm. Right? And I buy triple the price lavender essential oil just because I want to support right the farmer. So and again, like he doesn’t do the test for his oil, but yeah, he’s doing organic farming. You can go to any farm. It’s just the nearest farm to me. So you can go literally to any farm and support agriculture, your local, your local farmers, right? So again, there are so many companies for that.
NourishDoc: Sure. So, I want to understand very clearly some of the things. So, how do Essential Oils come from the bark of the tree, from the seed of the tree, from the actual leaf of the tree, right? So, can you give us examples of some essential oils from these three different things or other ways, and what is the difference?
Essential Oils – How and from Where It Is Made?
Aromatherapist Tatiana: Yes, pretty much like whatever you said, right? We’re getting essential oil. For example, we’re getting vetiver from a root, which is good for a good night’s sleep, calming the nervous system. It’s gorgeous oil, but again, with the heavy scents and vetiver is one of those, I would say heavy oils that can be; you can store this for five, maybe even six years, right? It’s not going to get oxidized or anything.
So, I would say, the best example for one tree, you can get three oils. So, the oranges themselves, right? So, we’re getting sweet orange from the fruit, orange itself by cold pressing, or steam distillation, absolutely gorgeous oil; we call it happy oil, right? So, if you’re in a bad mood, smell a little bit of orange oil, and you’re going to get a smile. So from the flowers of the orange tree, we’re getting neroli, one of the most expensive oils.
Beautiful oil again for our skin. I call it a women oil because you can do cream with neroli, facial serum, and special oils. It’s great for aging, mature skin. Gorgeous as well that you can use it. It’s safe for pregnancy, and again it’s a calming system, and we get infected grains from beliefs. Right? So leaves and barks sometimes. So yeah, again, pitted grain is absolutely good for children. So, again, if you have trouble sleeping or calming the nervous system, it’s good for the skin. So, it has, I would say greenish smell. Kind of like grass, but not the whole aroma is of grass. It’s a little bit of grass with notes of the orange itself.
NourishDoc: Okay, and then what about some of the other examples that, that’s a great example, by the way, that you gave of the orange and how different kind of therapeutic properties that have, that each one of the components has from a simple orange tree. Also, for example, there are issues like, we talked about essential oils can also be used instead of herbs for cooking. So, do you want to elaborate on that? Like, which Essential Oils can be used?
Essential Oils – A Replacement for Herbs?
Aromatherapist Tatiana: Okay, I’ll tell you, so all I would say is all aromatherapies divided into two camps, right? Aromatherapies that do not prompt this concept are used with essential oils, and I will explain why. So, because, like I said at the beginning, right? Essential oil is not equal to herb. It’s two different things. So, you’re getting from a natural material, but due to processing, it comes up with this chemical structure, right?
It’s pretty much chemistry in the bottle. So, that’s why we are concerned about using this internally, right? And again, Essential Oils cannot be used internally as vitamins because it’s not vitamins or minerals. So, that’s why like many aromatherapists, do not prone to this concept, and some aromatherapies use it, and they’re okay with this. So if you love to use it, I would prefer it so children wouldn’t eat that food, right? Because classical aromatherapy says that internal use can be performed from age fifteen.
Essential Oils for Cooking
Suppose you’re using essential oils for cooking. In that case, you might think of putting them in a salad, for example, oregano or celery. However, again, I would say I am for the camp aromatherapist who is not prone to this concept because I couldn’t find any scientific evidence for this thing. I mean, herbs are beautiful, and I believe we have to use herbs for our cooking things. So again, because Essential Oils are not herbs. So we cannot put an equal sign.
NourishDoc: Okay. Anything you like to add to the essential oil? This is a quick 10-minute session that we bring.
Aromatherapist Tatiana: So I want to say that guys, always remember, right? So, suppose we don’t know anything. In that case, it doesn’t mean it’s safe Essential Oils; I teach my clients that when I work with people, I always say safety is essential; safety is first. If you indulge, don’t do it; if you indulge, please contact your local certified aromatherapist.
NourishDoc: Absolutely, and there are a lot of therapeutic uses of essential oils, for example, for stress, for anxiety, for mood, for even hormonal imbalance, many things, and we are making a complete section of how essential oils can be safely used in our platform which you can subscribe to starting in July. So I just wanted to mention that. So thank you so much for your support. We are almost at 250,000 followers. So please keep supporting us and have a great July fourth week and weekend. Thank you. Bye bye.