How This Helps
The forward fold is one of the standing yoga poses, like Cat and Cow, is a good pose to start your heart health practice with. It’s good for your heart mainly for its energetic effects – slowing down the breath and relaxing the nervous system.
Uttana is a Sanskrit word with different meanings like intense stretch, straight and stretched. In Uttanasana, you stand with your feet together and hinges forward from the hips while the head hangs and the palms reach out flat on the ground close to the feet. This pose is usually done with the intention of lengthening the back and stretching out the hamstring muscles. It is also considered an inversion since the head is lower than the heart, and thus blood flows into the head.
See: Yoga Asanas For Migraine Pain Relief
See: Yoga Treatment For Pancreatitis Patients
See: Yoga Asanas For Healing PCOS
See: Mindfullness Meditation For Sleep
Step by Step Instructions for Forward Fold Pose – Uttanasana