
Yoga Asanas For Healing PCOS

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How can Yoga help PCOS?

Yoga Therapy for PCOS 

Polycystic ovaries are the bane of modern life. According to recent studies, nearly 10% of adolescent girls develop a problem. The issue could be underlying stress and genetic factors. PCOS patients are encouraged to engage in gentle exercise to manage blood sugar, insulin resistance and hormonal misbalances. Practicing yoga for PCOS can be beneficial in reducing anxiety, improve hormonal balance, regulate menstrual cycles and also keep metabolic parameters in control. In fact, yoga asanas have been proven to be more effective than other forms of exercise. Yoga creates strength, balance, flexibility, and mindfulness.

Yoga can also help with some lifestyle changes that can be beneficial. Some weight loss will help to balance the hormonal system and this can help to regularize the menstrual cycle. A healthy pattern of early to bed and ingestion at the right time helps. Choosing organic foods with a balanced diet along with no smoking or drinking, and having a good family and friends support network can provide help as you overcome this condition. So practice yoga with some friends who can keep you motivated and have fun at the same time.

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Scientific studies in Yoga for PCOS

 Research & clinical studies done to showcase the efficacy of Yoga for PCOS:

The study by Ram Nidhi of the Divison of Yoga and Life science at the SVYASA University in Bengaluru shows the efficacy of Yogasanas for PCOD.[1] The study involved 90 adolescent females suffering from PCOS in Andhra Pradesh. They were randomly distributed in two groups. The anxiety levels were assessed at the beginning of the study and after 12 weeks. The control group practiced Yoga in a holistic manner for 12 weeks and the remaining girls exercised normally. A Mann-Whitney U test was the reference test to compare the delta scores or the difference between the two groups.

The control group who practiced yoga were definitely more relaxed and fared better in the test. The researchers concluded that symptoms of PCOS and anxiety were reduced significantly within 12 weeks of yogasanas intervention therapy

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Appropriate yoga asanas under expert supervision is a great way to relieve the symptoms of PCOS. They also treat the root cause of the disease by balancing the hormones and stimulating the endocrine and reproductive organs. The weight loss triggered by Yoga also helps in maintaining overall good health while alleviating the PCOs symptoms. Yogasanas are therefore the best way to reduce and cure PCOS symptoms along with a supporting diet and lifestyle change.

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