I crave lemons like crazy. My body seeks acidity. The stomach wants to be acidic. So t goes crazy producing what it is supposed to in order to achieve the acidic level it needs. Take acidic items into the body it creates an acidic stomach and it turns the pumps off because the environment is more acidic. Spicy foods are the best! Capsaicin within the spicy foods stimulates the stomach to produce that mucous lining that protects itself from the intense acid it produces! Plus the capsaicin releases endorphins in the brain. This fights Pain.
I’ve cleaned our house of chemicals and still am. I make our laundry soap and dishwasher detergent. To get rid of the commercial chemicals
Vinegar is a staple in our house used for clothes to soften and kill the bacteria and viruses. No need for extra hot water or bleach set it to tap cold and hand wash. Also softens the clothes.
We use vinegar as a bath rinse. No deodorants. We use oils.They are barely smelled when not warm but when you move around and heat up they become aromatic. Vinegar kills the microbes on the body without killing healthy flora. Tea tree lavender and sandalwood all have antimicrobial properties. So spray the feet no one has stinky feet in our house. Lol. I made a batch of laundry soap a year ago. Still using it. You only need like a teaspoon.Â
I have used CBD, meditation, oils, incense . Lavender and sandalwood are two that are calming and help inflammation. Incense sandalwood and frankincense which is a natural mood booster giving pain relief as well. I have also used wild leaf lettuce and belladonna to help calm me. Natural therapies have been very effective. I don’t work any more as a nurse.
If I can help one person find hope and relief somewhere in the dark I will be happy.