Dr Chang is brilliant. He was a western style doctor in Taiwan and so it's the best of both worlds. Two years ago I had a tummy tuck and it had post op very troublesome complications. Things were not getting better and you could measure the results scientifically and chart them. My surgeon said he had never seen such a lingering drainage problem. The numbers were always around 50 ml of drainage. From the first treatment the numbers started falling. Within two weeks I was normal and tube free.
Last week I came to him after western science again had failed. My foot was so swollen that you could not see the bones on top of my foot. And very painful. The very next day much of the pain and swelling was gone. Today I woke up and walked barefooted to the kitchen and when I got back to my room I realized I was pain free I just took a picture and you can see for yourself that my foot is almost back to normal.
Both these results are empirically validated by the measurements in the former case and the photo evidence in the case of my foot. I don't know if this web site allows for pictures.
This post is to thank Dr Chang and for all those who think Chinese medicine and Accupuncture is just placebo effect. Placebo is important and demonstrates the power of the mind to heal but it's also scientifically valid.
Acupuncturist: Dr. Chang Sandalwood Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine çˆæª€ä¸é†«.