Our Observations:
Ailments started after jealousy.
Patient is constantly changing topics while talking.
A lot of struggle with personality, business, money.
Lot of dreams and some peculiar ones like fire.
Strong family history of mental diseases and apoplexy.
His uvula was long and thick I have not seen this long and thick uptill now…
Now in this whole case the peculiarity I see was hearing which led me to think of this remedy was the hearing of the patient although ears were well but still patient find it difficult to hear has to concentrate while hearing but still cannot.
The rubric is in MIND – DELUSIONS – hear
Second peculiarity was his uvula long and thick I have not seen this much thick and long uvula in my career up till now This gives us a taint of individualization of the inner core of the vital force.
I decided to prescribe Hyoscyamus 30 two doses/week
1 Week Follow-up:
He felt the same with little bit relief on headaches and dreams
But as I am experienced enough I was able to judge through his facial expressions that remedy has done something.
Hyoscyamus 30 2 doses was repeated
2nd Week Follow-up:
Marginal improvement. The Patient felt much better and felt positive in his life.
Hyoscyamus 30 2 doses was repeated
He had fewer dreams, less depression but his memory and obsession remained the same.
I repeated the same dose for 3 weeks and he showed improvement and felt happy but still struggling with his memory in week 3.
4th Week Follow-up:
Hyoscyamus 200
He showed remarkable improvement with very few symptoms. The patient went back to work after several withdrawals from drugs. He came to our clinic on alternate days for counselling to help him fight depression and withdrawals from drugs.
Case Discussion:
There are various reports of the treatment of depression over 200 years of homeopathy. However, though the specific cases are powerful from a clinical standpoint they’re still anecdotal from a traditional perspective. As example of this clinical material, Dr. Bodman presents a set of cases of depression, stress, sleep disorder, phobias, neurosis, cerebral sequelae from a stroke, Menniere’s disease, migraines, and other ailments treated successfully with antidepressant.
Scientists have concluded that homeopathy might be helpful in the treatment of some patients with depression or anxiety, either as a adjunctive therapy or as a sole treatment in patients who specifically request it. Evidently, the clinician must weigh the risks and benefits of a homeopathic intervention especially in situations when there are demonstrably effective conventional treatments and once the patient is acutely psychotic or suicidal. There are lots of constraints in that study, according to the author, and just bigger, double-blind controlled trials may provide answers to the questions which arise when using homeopathy in treating disease, generally speaking, and in psychiatry in particular.
(Bodman, F., 1990,”Insights to Homeopathy”, Davies and Pinsent Editors, Beaconsfield Press, England)
(Davidson J, et.al, 1997,”Homeopathic Treatment of Anxiety and Depression”, Alternative Therapies, Vol.3, No.1, January)