With intention being of utmost importance, I like to choose points that will target the actual sinuses that are being affected. But obviously the 1st order of business is to release the exterior and get rid of the pathogen (Bi syndrome) as well as tonifying wei qi. This will of course prevent further penetration of the wind/cold/damp Bi pathogen. Obviously points like Sanjiao 5, BL60, Lung 7 and 9 are great for this.
Locally, I find it most effective to attack each sinus directly, so (as the picture suggests),
Frontal sinus- use GB14 & BL 2
Gb14 (yang white) is an excellent point to take the pressure off the frontal sinus especially if there is that heavy pounding headache. The name yang white suggests 2 things-
1. It will tonify & inject yang qi to the area to clear the cold and damp, and
2. It will brighten the eyes and take the pressure from them as well. Remember the wood element governs the eyes, the liver controlling the yin aspect (tears & clarity of vision) and the GB sending yang energy to brighten and energize.
BL 2 (Gathered Bamboo)
As the name suggests, the points location depicts the bamboo stalk as the eye socket and the eyebrow as the bamboo leaf. This point does wonders for the health of the eyes but especially for removing taiyang pathogens from the frontal sinus and ocular area.
Maxillary Sinus use LI 20, St 2 and Bitong (extra)
Li 20- (Welcome Fragrance)
Exactly what the point does. When the Maxillary sinus is blocked, the sense of smell is affected. LI 20 will open the nasal passages as well as the Maxillary sinus and “welcome fragrance” back into the body therefore clearing and restoring the sense of smell.
St 2 (Four whites)
Again, this point is over the Infraorbital foramen and as the name spells out, will power wind out of the Maxillary sinus and release the exterior. The 4 whites name also refers to the 4 winds that come from the 4 directions, North, South, East and West. Obviously these winds have different temperatures so this point is good for wind cold, heat, dryness and damp. Needling of this point is 0.2 cun perpendicular.
Bitong (Penetrating the nose)
Again this will have similar effects to LI 20 as the name suggests. I like to thread LI 20 to connect with Bitong.
Ethmoid & Sphenoid sinus- use Yintang & BL 1
Yintang (Hall of impression) works wonders to circulate qi around the ethmoid sinus area. One of its great functions is to eliminate wind from this area too.
Bl 1 (Bright Eyes)
Just like GB 14, BL 1 will brighten the eyes, release the exterior (locally) and open the Ethmoid sinus pathway. This point is surprisingly easy to needle and only needs to be needled 0.2 of a cun.
Also don’t forget that the points at the distal end of the channels (jing well/ying spring) have an incredibly strong effect on the head and face areas, AND should be amongst your 1st choice for pathogen release- so in that case
Frontal sinus GB44/ Bl 67
Maxillary Sinus LI 1/ St 45
Ethmoid Sinus Bl 67
If the sinuses are blocked and resulting in pressure migraines, these jing well points will be great to draw the fullness down and take pressure away from the sinuses.
Obviously also look for the underlying pattern in the channels that traverse the sinuses eg,
Bl cold or damp invasion in taiyang
LI yang ming heat
GB damp heat or Damp heat in liver transferring to GB.