History:I have a patient who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, but it’s metastasized into her stomach lining, and perhaps her hip and leg bones. She is under full medical care, she’s a physician herself, and coming to me to treat her for fatigue. The problem is that she has almost no tender reflex zones. The only place she feels the slightest tenderness is her left SCM middle position. I know she’s extremely exhausted and irritable. None of her fire points, abdominal zones, vertebrae and HJJ points, register.I did left side & B stomach qi line. I thought of detox but she’s on heavy duty meds. You would still recommend? I thought of oxygen point alsowould still use cancer point for breast cancer. You can pinpoint location using the pulse, or just what you feel under your finger or do a few needles in the location to cover it. (I’ve never seen Kiiko shotgun it that way, but I am not a wizard so sometimes I do.) As for detox treatment, I think in this case I would try it once or twice and see how the patient responds. However, if you are feeling cautious, you can certainly avoid it and just support Kidney and immune.