Please see her after picture as she didn’t take any before picture of the severity of her medical condition. She has pigment returning to her large white spots as you can see in the pictures. With Functional Medicine, I focus on finding the root cause to help address the issues.
Here’s what she wrote:
“I spent four years searching for help with my actively spreading Vitiligo, and over that time period countless doctors told me the best they could do was to prescribe steroid creams and expensive light treatments – but even then, they said, I was not to expect any repigmentation in the areas where the patches were worse. They never tried to get to the underlying issues, simply saying the causes of vitiligo are unknown.
Finding Jodi was like a breath of fresh air. She was confident that we could indeed find the underlying issues at the root of my disease – and solve them in order to achieve repigmentation.
Jodi was able to identify (and correct) a number of other significant health concerns for me as well – her knowledge of nutrition and its profound effect on our bodies is vast. I highly recommend working with her.”
Most doctors will agree that vitiligo (a skin condition in which you lose your pigment-think Michael Jackson) cannot be put into remission. But once you get to the root of what is causing it, your skin will start to “re-pigment.” The client in this picture has naturally darker skin and had lost all pigment in her arms. Once we identified what was driving the disease, she is starting to get her pigment back! In the case of this client, it was an overgrowth of Pseudomonas in her intestinal tract. She had some food sensitivities that we had to deal with as well. Unfortunately, everyone is different in this regard. What causes vitiligo in one person can be completely different from what drives it in another person. I have to look at the whole picture and try to figure out what is going on with each unique person. In this client’s case, I needed to figure out what was going on in her gut so I did a comprehensive DNA stool assay.