
Throwing Up Blood While Pregnant

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Is vomiting blood during pregnancy normal?

The bliss of motherhood arrives with some symptoms and physical changes that cause discomfort. Nausea and vomiting are such prevalent early symptoms of pregnancy observed during the first trimester. It is commonly termed morning sickness but can be observed at any time of the day. Some women vomit blood during their pregnancy; this condition is known as hematemesis. The condition varies from one woman to woman, while some may feel nauseous throughout the day and others in the morning or night. Studies reveal that around 50 to 90% of pregnancies are accompanied by nausea and vomiting symptoms. There are many common health reasons that may be causing the vomiting of blood during pregnancy. While most will go away after your first trimester, you require a check-in with your doctor. Throwing up blood while pregnant or hematemesis is the condition when small streaks of blood or even a significant amount of blood is present in the vomit. 1,2.

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Throwing up blood while pregnant causes

Common causes of throwing up blood while pregnant

There is a wide myriad of possible reasons for the presence of blood in vomit during pregnancy like:

1.      Bleeding gums: Gingival inflammation is often noticed in pregnant ladies. The condition leads to sore, swollen, and bleeding gums as during pregnancy, blood flow to the gums increases. The additional symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis are sensitivity, receding gums, bad breath, etc. The blood from the gums mixes with the vomit, and thus hematemesis can be observed.

2.      Stomach ulcer: If blood vomit during pregnancy is associated with a burning sensation in your stomach, you are most likely suffering from stomach ulcers. The ulcers or wounds in the stomach lining can bleed and might be seen in vomit. Stomach ulcers are caused by H.pylori, excessive stress, and some medications. It worsens the nauseating condition during pregnancy.

3.      Esophageal varies: Another common reason for blood in vomit during pregnancy can be esophageal varies. They are veins present in the lining if the lower esophagus. When these veins get enlarged, they bleed without causing pain. This blood mixes with vomit in pregnancy and looks like hematemesis.

4.      Gastroesophageal reflux disease: In this condition, the hydrochloric acid from the stomach refluxes back to the esophagus. This regurgitation of the stomach acid leads to irritation of the esophageal wall lining and bleeding. While vomiting, the blood from the injured walls is likely to mix and give a notion of hematemesis during pregnancy.

5.      Tear in the esophagus: If a woman experiences excessive vomiting during pregnancy, there are high chances of irritation in the esophageal lining. It is because the vomit contents are acidic, and the irritation can lead to leakage of blood in vomit. Severe bleeding is due to the tearing of esophageal lining under high pressure from the stomach and is observed during the third trimester.

6.      Swallowed blood: It is one of the rare conditions cited as a reason for blood in vomit during pregnancy. But blood after a nosebleed may be swallowed and later comes out with vomit.

7.      Nose bleeding: As the flow of blood increases during pregnancy, nosebleeds are often observed. The heightened blood flow expands the node blood vessels, resulting in a swell. The wide blood vessels are likely to bleed. While the blood generally flows out from the nostrils, if you are lying down, it can be tricky back in your throat and can come up mixed with vomit. {3}

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When to see a doctor

When to seek help

While it is not a matter of concern if you observe freckles of blood in vomit during pregnancy, medical help must be sought if bleeding is aggravated. Some of the symptoms to seek immediate medical assistance are:

●       if you are unable to keep down your food or liquids for 24 hours due to excessive vomiting

●       Suffering from abdominal pain and severe burning sensation

●       Vomiting a large amount of blood during each nausea wave

●       Feeling weak, dizziness, or sense of fainting while you stand up

●       Loss of body weight

●       Excess production of saliva

●       Low blood pressure

●       Blurred vision

●       Lightheadedness {4,5}

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Natural remedies for vomiting blood in pregnancy

Vomiting blood while pregnant may require strict medical supervision. Your body becomes weaker with blood loss, which isn’t great for your child’s health. Furthermore, bloody vomit leaves an unpleasant feeling in your mouth. More serious causes of finding blood in your vomit –such as an esophageal tear — might need medications and even surgery to fix. Until you consult with your doctor about the cause of the blood in your vomit that you should do immediately, do not pursue home remedies for throwing up blood. If you receive treatment for your cause but are still struggling with hard morning sickness, again speak with your doctor about answers.

Home Treatments for vomiting

Listed below are a few helpful remedies that might relieve you from the nauseous condition in pregnancy:

●       Using ginger: Ginger is known to control the nauseating feeling during pregnancy. It is a home remedy with evidence of effectiveness in many cultures. It can be used as powdered ginger with tea, ginger ale, non-alcoholic ginger beer, crystallized ginger, ginger-flavored biscuits, etc.

●       Staying hydrated: If you are experiencing continuous vomiting, it is important to increase fluid intake to avoid dehydration. Sugar containing drinks are well tolerated and subsides nausea. You can opt for drinks like lemonade, cordial, glucose drinks, etc. Other hydrating options age fruit juice, flavored milk, ice poles, jellies, etc.

●       Antibiotics for stomach ulcer: If hematemesis is due to a stomach ulcer, your gynecologist is likely to prescribe antibiotics and other over-the-counter medicines to keep the condition in check.

●     Other natural and home remedies for nausea and vomiting include Vitamin B-6, peppermint, particular juices, like cranberry or raspberry

●     Saltwater: Your body may deplete from fluids or experience dehydration following recurrent vomiting. You might need to get intravenous fluids or ORS (oral rehydration solutions) which has electrolytes to acquire the lost fluids and recuperate.

●     Rest enough: Nausea due to nausea may cause anxiety, lack of sleep, and fatigue. Avoid stress as it might assist in healthy fetal growth also.

●       Healthy foods: In order to compensate for the loss of nutrients through vomit, pregnant women should switch to more healthy foods and nourishing drinks. Some common options are as follows:

●      Fat-reduced milk with soda water to make a drink

●      Fruit juice, fresh vegetable juices, nectars diluted with water

●       Nutrition supplement drinks

●       Fruit smoothies or milkshakes of fresh fruits

●       Warm soups

●       Low-fat foods: Low-fat foods are easy to digest and can prevent acid reflux or discomfort due to overeating.

●       Toast with honey, veggies, or jam

●       Rice, pasta, noodles, etc

●       Boiled and steamed veggies

●       Plain crackers

●       Dry fruits

●       Popcorn or cereals of choice

●       Other methods: Apart from dietary changes, there are some other methods to manage hematemesis like:

●       Practice relaxation yoga’s and exercises

●       Chew food slowly and thoroughly

●       Eat while seating upright to avoid indigestion

●       Get some fresh air by walk in the garden or sitting there {6}

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Complications & risk factors

If a prolonged period of vomit is accompanied by blood in it, there are certain risk factors associated with it if it continues after the first trimester. The risks are more if:

●       You are suffering from stress

●       You are obese

●       Extreme nausea and vomiting in earlier pregnancies

●       Migraine history

●       You are having twins or triplets

●       A family history of stomach ulcer

In such cases, you must seek the immediate help of your gynecologist to avoid further complications.7,8.

Is vomiting blood a sign of miscarriage?

Is Vomiting Blood A Sign Of Miscarriage?

Vomiting blood isn’t a sign of miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding, discharge, cramping, and a sense of weakness are the typical symptoms you might experience in the event of a miscarriage. Vomiting blood is a serious illness. Get medical attention for appropriate diagnosis and treatment to prevent additional complications. Take steps to help manage nausea and vomiting in pregnancy to lessen the chance of blood vomiting. Should you notice blood in your vomit, go to the doctor immediately.

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Blood during vomit is often observed due to various reasons during pregnancy. While it can be due to irritation of the throat lining of ulcers, if the condition persists for long and with excessive bleeding, medical help should be sought. The home remedies with ginger and low-fat diets should be adopted to control the nauseating feeling throughout the gestation period.


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