In the Autumn of 2014, I decided I could overcome bloating, acidity, acne, blocked sinuses, hair loss, cracked nails, brain fog, apathy, lethargy, mental tiredness, asthma, anxiety and stress. After 24 hours of changing my diet, my bloating had reduced dramatically. After a week, it had gone completely. As I tried to understand which foods I was intolerant to, I continued to bloat on occasion, but to nowhere near the extent of before. After feeling embarrassed about my ‘pregnancy’ for 6 months, I almost cried. Despite testing negative on two occasions, for H-Pylori, this was eventually diagnosed and treated. I underwent an Endoscopy and discovered I had Gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining.
I replaced antagonistic foods and completely changed my eating habits. I had been training at my gym for 18 months, but now noticed I was able to take things to a whole new level. I had enormous amounts of energy, stopped taking antibiotics and my acne disappeared. My hair and nails became healthier, my sinuses cleared and my anxieties receded. I began to feel like a new person. I actually started to live my life again.
Thank goodness for the Internet and Jordan and Steve. I owe you so much. Now, my life is completely different… I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been and my passion is helping people just like me, naturally heal digestive issues, banish bloating, lose weight and live a long, healthy life. Two years ago, I thought I’d never be unbloated and that I would always appear pregnant. Now I’m obsessively determined to be 100% the opposite of that, whilst enjoying how I do it.
I had changed my diet, I had changed my lifestyle, I had regained my health. I now intend to help you do the same.
In fact, as you are reading this, please know that YOU don’t have to suffer. My diet has transformed me. I no longer have a bloated stomach. My fitness has improved and I have the best body I’ve had my entire adult life. I feel hopeful and positive.
I felt the need to satisfy an enormous thirst for information around all things food/gut/health related. I wanted to find the most up to date/current learning program to put me ahead of the game. At this stage, I had no formal qualifications, however, I had spent a year researching gut problems every evening on Google and had built up a fair bit of knowledge, plus I had my own experiences.
The bloat has gone as if it had never been there. It soon returns however on the rare occasions where I eat something that I know is not good for me. (I am human after all!)
My body and soul are healing and it is now time for me to share what I have learned.