I started her on the herbs listed below.
Fang feng 10, jing jie 10, jin yin hua 10, huang qin 10, mu dan pi 10
da qing ye 15, chan tui 15, ye ju hua 15, dang gui 10, sheng di 20
xuan shen 15, zhi mu 20, lian qiao 15, mai dong 15, chi shao 15
he shou wu 20, da zao 6
In the formula, I i decided to clear heat and fire from the blood level, stop itch, nourish Yin fluids. and prescribed that she start taking it only after the 2nd Treatment.
Points – 88.17-18-19 , Tw5+Gb41, 66.03 66.04 – Bilateral
Pricked blood from Jing-Well points of the – St,Li,Sj, and behind the ear – in a nice vein.
Follow-up: 4 days after the 1st treatment – She did not start with the herbs yet, but already I could see her face almost completely clean. The legs were still dry, but now she developed edema.
I couldn’t change the formula i gave her, if i could, because of the edema, I would probably remove the Zhi Mu and Mai Dong, and add Huang Bai, Fu Ling, Cang Zhu.
Points – Blood pricking on the right leg – Sp6 area.
BiLateral – 88.17 88.18 88.19 88.09 88.10 88.11. Gb41+Tw5,
66.03+66.04 – L
3rd Treatment:
She had started taking herbs and we observed amazing improvement all over the body!! Edema was there in the ankles and it was more severe this time.
Points: 88.17 88.18 88.19 88.09 88.10 88.11 – Bilateral
Ling Gu Da Bai – Right Side
11.27#3#4#5, Xiao Jie L
4th Treatment: Final – after 4-5 days
So, the edema in the ankles were almost gone, only a bit in the left ankle.
The hands were almost back to normal completely. The legs were still a bit red, the skin was a bit warm but not hot as before.
She still experienced the urge to itch, but she claimed it was because she put some kind of a coat that made her feel the itch once she put it on. I recommended her to avoid the material of the coat in her clothing.
88.17 88.18 88.19 88.25 Qi Li – Bilateral
88.09 88.10 88.11 – Bilateral
Ling Gu Da Bai 11.27#4#5 – Right Side
77.18 Bilateral
I gave her a formula that as mentioned below:
fang feng 15, jing jie 10, jin yin hua 10, huang bai 10, mu dan pi 10
da qing ye 15, chan tui 20, ye ju hua 15, dang gui 10, sheng di 20
xuan shen 15, fu ling 15, lian qiao 10, ku shen 10, chi shao 15
he shou wu 20, da zao 6, bai xian pi 15, bai jiang can 10
No medications, no drugs just magic of Acupuncture and herbs did the magic!