This was a difficult case and I suggested to try using Caps Carsona from Unjha AS 2 TID with Sarivadyaristha 30 ml with equal dilution of water and B-complex syrup. 15 Days later the patient was reportedly able to sit and move around with volume of Discharge reduced.
The medicine was continued for another month at the same dose and I visited the patient. The patient was apparently very thankful and was moving around with freedom and highly reduced discharge. I was humbled when she bent down to touch my feet and in return i asked her not to instead sought her blessings by touching her feet.
I had then reduced the dose of *****NA TO 2 BID and added my Formulation of *******TE along with in the same dose.
The current status as of review on 04/12/2012 stated:
1) Physical movement very sturdy and fast.
2) Psychologically WNL and happy.
3) Discharge negligible and occasional.
4) FLUID in the USG was clear and did not appear pyogenic or haemogenic.
5) Size comparisons of the cavity could not be done as previous reports and papers were not at hand.
21/03/2013 – –
This case of pyometra has been under treatment for some time and, today I had a new ultrasound done to monitor progress.
Here are the findings:-
Retroverted, retroflexed postmenopausal uterus
Size 6.80×4.48×3.29 cms in laevo position
Myometrium normal
Echogenic thickened endometrium 11.2 mm
The patient is stable with a sturdy walk and no other problems. No discharge, no temperature, normal BP and urine frequencies.
Treatment further revised as follows –
Cap *****NA
1 Tid for 2 months followed by 1 Bid for 3 months.
Cap *******TE
2 Bid for 3 months followed by 1 Bid for 2 months.
Repeat USG abdomen after 6 months following a 1 month period without medicines after 5 months.