
Combatting Osteoporosis with Weight Training

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How This Helps

Exercise has been shown to increase bone density, as well as strengthen muscles. When bone and muscles are working well together, there is a significant decrease in the number of falls in senior citizens. Weight training is beneficial for both endurance and bone growth, but it can also be designed to help maintain balance and coordination. Weight-bearing exercise can lead to better performance in other forms of exercise including walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis, and dancing!


Those with diagnosed Osteoporosis need both moderate & vigorous resistance exercise targeting the lower body. Follow the rules below when creating or accepting a program for the treatment of osteoporosis and fall prevention:

·      Weight training should be anywhere from two to three times per week

·      Choose four to six weight-bearing exercises (focusing on balance and lower body) using bodyweight for resistance, and in time, adding additional weight conservatively.

·      Three sets of 5-10 repetitions for each exercise.

·      Stay away from heavy impact exercises on the joint, and be careful with all spinal movements, to not be too quick or against too much resistance.


Osteoporosis is easily manageable and easily treated through targeted exercise. By increasing bone density, and increasing balance and coordination, an individual can combat the biggest dangers that face living with osteoporosis. Targeting the lower body with progressively added resistance, making sure to keep an active lifestyle, and adding more calcium and Vitamin D rich foods can prevent osteoporosis from spreading and possibly reverse the signs of it in no time at all.


[1] Winters-Stone, Kerri, Ph.D., FACSM. Exercise, Menopause, and Osteoporosis.” ACSM | Articles. ACSM, 12 Jan. 2012. Web. 28 June 2016.

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