
Ayurvedic treatment for dental bone loss

Ayurvedic remedies for oral dental hygiene include oil pulling & a tongue scraper to clean tongue

Table of Contents

How This Helps

Oil is very effective to “pull”  toxins out of the tissues of the mouth and help reduce levels of S. mutans bacteria. This process is called Oil Pulling and has been used in Ayurveda.


Ayurvedic treatments have been used for 5000 years and lately have been studied and compared with the standard treatment of Chlorhexidine used to help with Gum Disease. Chlorhexidine, standard treatment to help with gum disease has side effects such as stained brown teeth, the potential of bacteria, and having bad taste. A recent report published in 2014 of GreenMedInfo clearly states that if you massage your gums for 4 weeks every day with sesame oil, coconut, or olive, it is more effective to help you fight gingivitis and plaque than Chlorhexidine. study sound Sesame oil to be most effective in reducing levels of S. mutans.

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What is dental bone loss?

Bleeding gums is one of the most common conditions affecting the oral cavity. The Chinese may have noticed bleeding gums as early as 2500 BCE. They termed the related diseases as “Ya Kon,” which means conditions of soft tissue surrounding the teeth. Dental diseases highlight an imbalance in Vata Dosa, and Kapha Dosha is generally responsible for the oral cavity. Inflammation typically is associated with impaired Pitta Dosha.

This critical role of the oral cavity in Ayurveda explains Its extensive study, the analysis of these diseases, the causes, and the effective treatment of the area of the entire body, from early times.

Gum disease begins with a film of food particles, germs, and saliva, known as plaque. If not removed, plaque will settle in the gum line. The bacteria will create toxins that will make the gums red, tender, and prone to bleed when brushing your teeth. There are particular chronic conditions and even some drugs that can cause plaque to accumulate more quickly. The objective of daily brushing, rinsing, and flossing is to wash this plaque away. When this plaque isn’t removed, it can harden into tartar that builds up along the gum line and traps germs under. Gingivitis is a common form of gum disease and is the most frequent.

The leading cause of gingivitis is the bacteria that coat your teeth, and when oral hygiene is weak, it creates a sticky white substance called plaque. The germs here proliferate quicker and produce toxins that irritate your gums, causing them to become swollen and red. When left untreated, they’ll destroy the cells connecting the gums into the tooth, and the tooth into the bones. This process induces a deep pocket in the gums where the bacteria start to accumulate. Eventually, the bony structure begins to break down. At this point, the condition has progressed into what we call periodontitis, an irreversible form of gum disease.

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Bleeding gums root causes

Ayurveda and Bleeding Gums

In Ayurveda, ‘bleeding from gum’ is called ‘Sheetada.’ It is among the 15 types of gum disease (Danta Moolagata Roga).

The Pitta dosha imbalance is considered as the primary causative factor for bleeding gums. When the liver is sluggish, the Pitta throughout the body begins to travel in one direction. If this congestion of Pitta occurs from the gums, they cannot hold blood, which leads to bleeding gums. In the case that there’s excess mucus or intense acidity, it might also cause a bacterial infection identified as a Kapha disease.

One of those Ayurvedic remedies for bleeding gums is Shodhana or purification of the body by gentle purgation (mridu virechana) and emesis (Vamana). This purification will help to bring balance to the Kapha and Pitta doshas.

Root Causes of Bleeding Gums

These medical conditions are some of the potential triggers where bleeding gums are a symptom.

Poor dental hygiene

Gingivitis (or pregnancy gingivitis)

Gum disease


Trench mouth

Poorly fitting dentures and jagged bite



childbirth and hormonal imbalance

Dry mouth

Vitamin deficiency (like vitamin C and K deficiency — can cause scurvy)

Tobacco use

Clenching or grinding teeth

Certain medications

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Risk factors for gum disease

Some additional factors that put you at risk.

Age: The prospect of gum disease increases with age. Adults that are 30 or older have a 50% chance of being affected by gum disease, and the odds increase to 70 percent in people over 65.

Anxiety: Stress is associated with multiple health problems, including periodontal disease. Studies indicate that stress can lower immunity and the body’s ability to fight against infections, like periodontal diseases.

Drugs: As mentioned previously, blood thinners are a cause for gum-related problems, but other prescription drugs like anti-depressants, certain heart drugs, and oral contraceptives can put you at higher risk. Check with your doctor or dentist to find out if your meds are causing your own teeth problems.

A new toothbrush or flossing routine: Changing your flossing routine or flossing after a couple of days can result in bleeding gums. Similarly, switching from a soft-bristled toothbrush into a company brush may also lead to gums that bleed. Choose the ideal type of toothbrush with the support of your dental health professional. Being overly vigorous with a toothpick, floss or interdental brushes may also set off the issue.

Smoking: Smokers are at a significantly higher risk for gum disease as cigarettes contain dangerous radicals that contribute to inflammation and lessen the body’s immune reaction.

Genetics: Several people are genetically predisposed to gum disease. Your dentist can help you determine your trend towards gum disease to expedite better management of your oral health.

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Ayurvedic & Home remedies for periodontal infections

Ayurvedic treatment for periodontal infections & bleeding gums

Alum will work nicely to soothe sore and red gums. Dissolve some alum in warm water and apply the solution to gargle. Repeat twice daily.

Triphala: Just like many multi-herbal medications, it’s unknown which ingredients and compounds in Triphala are bioactive. Quite a few test-tube studies have revealed that Triphala exerts anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. One area where Triphala can offer benefits is in dental health, including the reduction of plaque and the avoidance of gum disease and cavities.

A 2016 research at the Journal of Periodontology in 2016 reported that adults prescribed a twice-daily Triphala mouthwash for 60 days had a larger reduction in oral plaque, oral bacteria, and gingivitis than those supplied a placebo.[17]

Another research at Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry reasoned that Triphala mouthwash demonstrated equivalent effectiveness in preventing cavities as the chlorhexidine gluconate germicidal mouthwash.

Add a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water to make a saline solution that functions as an effective home remedy for bleeding gums. Use this to wash in the morning and the day. This routine can help reduce swelling.

Lemons are packed with vitamin C and also help reduce inflammation. Massage the lemon juice & salt on your gums and teeth. Wash off by rinsing with warm water.

Aloe vera can be quite beneficial in reducing gum inflammation. If you will need a natural treatment for bleeding gums, massage a few aloe vera pulps in your gums or drink aloe vera regularly to relieve the problem.

Garlic infused honey is an excellent antifungal and antibiotic tonic for the gums. Crush a few garlic cloves in honey and apply this mixture to the teeth, massaging them gently. Leave the garlic honey in the mouth. Rinse the mouth after 10-15 minutes.

– Add a teaspoon of Triphala churna to a glass of warm water and gargle.

– Massage the teeth with coconut oil in the morning.

Neem is antibacterial and astringent that’s very healing. Use neem twigs as a natural alternative to your toothbrush and as a natural cure for bleeding gums.

Licorice root: The American Dental Association (ADA) considers licorice as an herb that inhibits plaque build-up and gum disease. Chewing on root 3 times per day can help, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Its antibacterial and anti-viral properties can also treat oral ulcers.

Myrrh: The ancient herb has been used for medicinal purposes like canker sores, inflamed, or loosening gums. Adding myrrh oil to warm water makes it a mouth wash that can alleviate bacteria for good dental hygiene.

Sage: The herb Sage prevents plaque formation, prevents tooth decay, and helps to clean out oral sores.

Green tea: Epigallocatechin 3 gallate and Epicatechin 3 Gallate polyphenols would be the most predominant catechins.

The antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti collagenase, antimutagenic, and chemopreventive properties of these catechins proved to be helpful in treating chronic diseases like periodontal disease. A study found green tea catechins to be an effective regional drug delivery with scaling and root planing in treating chronic periodontitis. Green tea extract application has numerous effects on periodontal pathogens and periodontal tissues when used in a variety of forms such as strips, chips, and fibers to treating a periodontal disease or, together with regenerative materials, help improve periodontal regeneration.

Shiitake mushrooms lentinan: Studies have proved that shiitake mushrooms have anti-fungal, anti-tumor as well as anti-viral properties. Shiitake Mushrooms is extremely rich in Polysaccharides (beta-glucan) and lentinan, it helps to stimulate the immune system and promote the natural ability to ward off specific illness. A 2011 study at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London tested shiitake’s antimicrobial effects on gingivitis the results indicated that shiitake mushroom extract lowered the amounts of some pathogenic organisms without affecting the organisms related to health, unlike chlorhexidine, which had a limited influence on all organisms.

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Ayurvedic Supplements (to be obtained under the practitioner’s advice:

– Irimedadi Taila

– Red Tooth Paste

– Red Tooth Powder

– Godanti Bhasma

– Khadiradi Vati

– Yastimadhu Taila

– Kamadugha (Mouktikayukta)

– Triphaladi Taila

– Arogyavardhini Tablet

– Sarivadyasava

– Bolabaddha Rasa

– Chandanasava

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Ayurvedic lifestyle changes for dental problems

Include Vitamin C and calcium in your diet as they succeed in reducing gum inflammation. Brush and floss gently using the appropriate technique to achieve that. Below we also have outlined a substitute for flossing.

– Avoid using tobacco and smoking.

– It’s vital in Ayurveda to clean the tongue. The tongue is considered porous and “gathers” countless germs, mucus, and food. The tongue is a favorable environment for the growth of many different micro-organisms that can lead to inflammation. It’s necessary to clean the tongue after every meal with a unique cleansing tool made from aluminum, silver, or gold. These materials are suitable since they’re easily sterilized and have an antibacterial effect. The cleanup has to be done in a specific way.

– Ayurveda has numerous remedies and ways to heal various Dental issues. A number of the fundamental and traditional healing remedies of Ayurveda are listed below.

– Frequently the cause of dental diseases is the lack of zinc, magnesium, and calcium. It can be useful to use Chyavanprash, a jam with 49 natural ingredients — powdered fruits, herbs, powdered seashells.

– Chyavanprash recovers tooth enamel and strengthens the gums. This can be applied to gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis for up to 3 weeks. But this preparation has contraindications, so its ingestion, in addition to any medication, should consult with the doctor.

– In thin enamel and calcium deficiency, it’s useful to chew sesame, and once it becomes homogenous, it will “rub” the gums and teeth.

– In the event of oral diseases, tea tree oil is helpful as the aroma of this oil assists against bad breath. In mouth discomfort, the Triphala powder can also be potent, which can be mixed with ghee.  It has anti-inflammatory properties and provides essential vitamins and minerals to the gums and teeth.

Ayurveda has many solutions for inflammation that include ashwagandha, turmeric, guggul, and margosa.

– Mahayogaradzh Guggul and also Yogaradzh Guggul has a powerful healing effect in caries. Twice per day, take two pills about half an hour after a meal, the course lasts two or three weeks.

– Guggul and garlic are useful for compresses and weak teeth as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefit. Create a homogenous mixture of them, add a few drops of tea tree oil, and employ over strips of organic fabric.

– Regular flossing and brushing are mandatory. The teeth should be brushed in a gentle circular to boost blood circulation and minimize any additional injury to the tissues.

– Use tea tree oil in the mouth. It’s a strong antiseptic flavor, so you will likely need to dilute it in some water.

– Oil swishing or oil pulling. This is an ancient and well-researched daily practice that you could quickly put into place. Using organic, unrefined sesame oil is advised for this practice. It’s simple to do.

– Chew a tablespoon of white hulled sesame seeds in the morning. They are a fantastic source of calcium, help nourish your bones, and strengthen your teeth.

– Heavy and hard to digest foods are the culprits. Eating food at a troubled atmosphere or In front of the television and being awake late at night all lead to bowel disturbance. Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, fear, jealousy, and sorrow also play a vital role and may be addressed through Ayurvedic constipation treatment.

Studies in Ayurvedic treatment for periodontal infections

In research funded by the World Health Organization, a randomized controlled clinical trial was done to compare the efficacy of ayurvedic drugs over chlorhexidine in treating chronic periodontitis.[16].

Materials and Techniques: Four hundred and eight participants, in the age group 20–49 years, suffering from mild-to-moderate chronic periodontitis were included in this study. A community periodontal indicator for treatment needs (CPITN) score was recorded, and oral prophylaxis was done for each patient. They were randomly divided into six groups.

Conclusion: Researchers concluded that the results of three ayurvedic drugs, Dashansanskar churana, Khadiradi Vati, and Neem were superior to chlorhexidine in treating chronic periodontitis in humans. Ayurvedic formularies should be utilized as a routine in health centers as they are effective, inexpensive, and are easily available. Researchers mentioned that the use of ayurvedic drugs had to be continued for at least three months for achieving cure rates over 80%. Further research should be performed on these ayurvedic drugs to strengthen the evidence in favor of the use as a standard treatment for periodontal diseases.


Plaque and gingivitis are important diseases of the oral cavity. Various herbs are mentioned in Ayurvedic classics, which can be used for plaque control and treatment of gingivitis. The key to offering you so many choices is to figure out what works best for periodontal therapy.

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