How This Helps
Other than being one of the most popular herb in Asian cuisine, coriander powder is recommended in Ayurveda for many remedies. Ground coriander powder (Coriandrum sativum) is among the best herbs for supporting digestion without aggravating pitta. It enkindles the digestive fire while simultaneously soothing and cooling the GI tract. It eliminates excess heat in the body which makes it helpful in cooling pitta-related imbalances related to menopause. Additionally, it supports the proper function of the kidneys and healthy urination. The seeds blend nicely with cumin and fennel to produce superb digestive tea.
From an Ayurvedic view, coriander powder may help as:
– a cooling spice that promotes healthy digestion
– strengthening the digestive fire with no aggravating pitta
– cooling and soothes the GI tract
– removing excess heat boosting menopausal comfort
– supporting the proper function of kidneys
What is coriander powder?
Coriander powder is produced from whole ground coriander seeds. It is today an essential part of many cuisines around the world, especially in Asia. In a country like India, there are, in fact, very few dishes that are prepared without adding a pinch or two of this aromatic powder. Coriander has been known as one of the oldest spices in history, and it is considered to be both a spice and an herb. It is derived from the Coriandrum sativum plant and is a close relative of celery, parsley, and surprisingly, carrots. Coriander powder is known to have many health benefits, from relieving bloating to helping indigestion. Let us dig a bit deeper and take a closer look at the nutritional value and health benefits of coriander powder.
Coriander nutrition facts
Nutritional Value of Coriander
In Ayurveda, coriander is often recommended in the treatment of stomach-related ailments as it helps enhance digestion. [1] The health benefits of coriander are linked to the herb’s high nutritional value. Coriander is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin K, potassium, and folate. It is also a powerhouse of phytonutrients, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids. [2] [3] [4]
Coriander is also very low in cholesterol, calories, and saturated fats, making it an ideal and healthy option for including in your healthy diet. Apart from vitamins A and K, coriander also contains vitamins C and E in good quantities. There is also a good amount of dietary fiber present in this herb. Iron, calcium, and magnesium are also present in coriander.
Due to all these nutrients, coriander not only adds a mouth-watering flavor to your dishes but also escalates the nutritional value of your food.
Nutrition Facts [19]
One tablespoon of coriander (Coriandrum sativum) seeds contain about:
15 calories
2.8 g carbohydrates
0.6 g protein
0.9 g fat
2.1 g fiber
0.8 mg iron
16 mg magnesium
35 mg of calcium
20 mg phosphorus
1 mg vitamin C
Coriander’s volatile oil is also full of beneficial phytonutrients such as carvone, geraniol, limonene, borneol, camphor, and linalool. Additionally, it has flavonoids, such as quercetin, kaempferol, and apigenin, in addition to active phenolic acid chemicals, such as chlorogenic acid.
Coriander powder health benefits
Now let us take a look at the many health benefits of coriander powder.
Helps Control Cholesterol
Cholesterol levels are a natural cause of worry, especially if the levels of bad (or LDL) cholesterol is high. Sedentary lifestyles, combined with a high intake of unhealthy junk foods and lack of exercise, often cause high LDL cholesterol in people. Coriander seeds contain a substance known as coriandrin, which helps control the process of lipid digestion. This helps bring down cholesterol levels and also promotes a healthy heart.
Many Ayurvedic practitioners recommend coriander powder for cholesterol control as it not only aids in digestion but also absorbs fats. [5] Furthermore, coriander also contains ingredients such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, ascorbic acid, and stearic acid, that all work together to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood.
Coriander powder not only reduces the levels of LDL cholesterol, but also prevents many serious heart problems like heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis. At the same time, coriander powder also increases the good HDL cholesterol levels in the blood.
Helps Lower Blood Sugar
People who have high blood sugar levels are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.[6] Coriander in any form, be it coriander seeds, extract, or coriander powder, all help in lowering the levels of blood sugar. In fact, coriander powder is so effective at reducing blood sugar levels than people who take diabetes medication or who have low blood sugar need to be cautious while taking coriander because the levels can fall too low.
Studies done on animals have shown that coriander seeds can help lower blood sugar levels by boosting enzyme activity to increase the removal of sugar from the blood. [7]
Another animal study done on rats with high blood sugar and obesity found that just a single dose of coriander seed extract helped decrease blood sugar by four mmol/L in just six hours. These observed effects were similar to the effects of glibenclamide, which is a commonly prescribed blood sugar medications. The single dose of coriander seed extract consisted of 20 mg of extract per kg of body weight of the rats. [8]
Helps Boost Immunity & Fight against Cancer
Coriander powder contains many antioxidants. The primary role of antioxidants in the body is to prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals. [9] The antioxidants present in coriander powder have been proven to help fight inflammation in the body and in boosting the immune system. [10] [11]
The antioxidant compounds found in coriander powder include quercetin, terpinene, and tocopherols. According to both animal and test-tube studies, these compounds are known to have potent anticancer, neuroprotective, and immune-boosting properties.[12] [13] [14]
One test-tube study, in particular, found that the antioxidants contained in coriander powder help lower inflammation in the body and also slowed down the growth of prostate, lung, breast, and colon cancer cells.[15]
Good for the Heart
Several test tube and animal studies have shown that coriander powder may help reduce the risk factors for heart disease, such as high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and high blood pressure.[16] This is why coriander is said to be highly beneficial for your heart health. [17] The extract of coriander seeds acts as a diuretic, which helps the body flush out excess water and sodium from the body. This helps in lowering your blood pressure.
At the same time, it has been noticed that eating pungent herbs and spices such as coriander helps reduce the intake of sodium, helping boost your heart health. In fact, in populations that tend to consume large amounts of coriander, the rate of heart disease is lower, especially compared to people who follow a predominantly Western diet, which includes more salt and sugar. [18]
Side effects
In little food amounts, coriander isn’t likely to cause you some undesirable side effects and is well known for reducing flatulence. When used medicinally, it may cause increased sensitivity to sunlight. If you are allergic to aniseed, caraway, dill weed, fennel, mugwort, or similar crops, then you could be allergic to coriander. Owing to its ability to naturally lower glucose levels, monitor your glucose levels closely when you have diabetes and take this spice. It may also reduce blood pressure levels, so be careful with your intake if you tend to have low blood pressure or take medicine to reduce it.
Speak with your healthcare provider prior to using it medicinally, particularly if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition or are on prescription medicine.
Coriander is known for its flavor and used worldwide today in all types of cuisines. It is a pungent, fragrant, and antioxidant-rich herb that is known for its many health benefits and is highly nutritious as well. Coriander powder can help in many health conditions such as lowering blood sugar levels, reducing bad LDL cholesterol, boosting the levels of good HDL cholesterol, and even promoting heart, skin, brain, and digestive health. Many studies have also shown the many uses of coriander. It is an all-around herb that can be consumed in many ways. You can have coriander seeds, you can have it in powdered form, or you can even have it raw sprinkled over your salad and other dishes. Coriander seeds, powder, and leaves all come in handy in their different forms to add different flavors in your everyday cooking.