
Homeopathy For PMS

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What is PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a collection of physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms that occur during the week preceding menstruation and which relieve when the menstrual flow starts. PMS affects millions of women during their menstrual cycle years. Mild symptoms, which often do not interfere with daily activities, are experienced sometimes by just about all ovulatory women. Between 8-30 percent of ovulatory women suffer from moderate to severe PMS symptoms, which might even require treatment. The premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a more severe PMS form that affects up to 8 percent of ovulatory women. This extreme form is related to severe disruptions in work function, family, or social relationships. Therapeutic interventions are inadequate and range from stress reduction and lifestyle changes to hormonal treatments and psychotropic drugs. Homeopathy can provide a substantial alleviation of PMS symptoms for an extended period.

Many women face several unpleasant symptoms, commonly referred to as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), in a week or two before menstruating. Signs include anger, headaches, anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, fluid retention, breast tenderness, and cramps. These symptoms result from the menstrual cycle’s hormonal changes, but we do not understand the specific mechanisms involved or precisely how to deal with it.

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Homeopathic Remedies for PMS

Traditional Homeopathic Treatments for PMS

There are several homeopathic treatments for PMS in classical homeopathy. They are prescribed based on various specific details of the individual seeking treatment.

– Pulsatilla: The homeopathic medication, Pulsatilla, is derived from the pasque flower, Pulsatilla nigricans. This remedy is helpful for hormonal changes driven conditions. It can help women who have started having periods recently. PMS with moodiness, irritability, and weepiness may be typical. Suppression of the menstrual flow can come with queasy feelings, nausea, and faintness. Being overly warm or in a stuffy room makes matters worse, and fresh air can bring relief.  It could be helpful for PMS in young women. Moodiness and a propensity to tears may occur, together with nausea and mild nausea.

Calcarea carbonic: PMS with exhaustion, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed suggests a need for this remedy. The girl might have problems with water retention and weight gain, tender breasts, digestive upsets, and headaches. Periods often arrive too early and last too long, occasionally with a stream of bright red blood. Calcarea carbonica is often used as the homeopathic remedy for PMS once the symptom image contains fluid retention, headaches, breast tenderness, and a sense of being overwhelmed. Other symptoms associated with this treatment include feeling extremely exhausted and exhausted, with cold limbs and difficulty climbing stairs or even walking. What’s more, these signs should worsen with exposure to cold or dampness in the morning and effort.

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Folliculinum: It is a common homeopathic remedy for PMS, made from synthetic or natural estrogen. In a study, 88 percent of the women with PMS symptoms were satisfied with the overall effects of Folliculinum C9. In another double-blind trial study, women found Folliculinum C9 to be significantly better than a placebo for premenstrual breast pain and breast tension.

– Sepia: This treatment relieves mood swings from PMS related to irritability and poor lymph flow. A common profile is that of increasing weariness and irritability before intervals, accompanied by a desire to be left alone. This sort of subject usually suffers from a low dragging backache and, once the period eventually arrives, it’s frequently accompanied by dragging pains like the uterus is prolapsing. This symptom complex responds to the homeopathic medication, Sepia, derived from the cuttlefish’s ink, Sepia Officinalis. Another essential element in selecting a naturopathic medicine is how fast the PMS symptoms settle following the beginning of menstruation. In the event of Sepia, the symptoms usually last a couple of days to the period before slowly dissipating.

Homeopathic Chamomilla is frequently utilized in types of PMS, where irritability and anger are predominant features. Menstrual flow is typically heavy with dark, clotted blood. Heat worsens symptoms, while aerobic exercise reduces them.

Bovista: Premenstrual issues with fluid retention, swelling at the extremities, and a bloated feeling often indicate a need for this remedy. Diarrhea around the menstrual period strongly indicates this homeopathic remedy. The woman may feel very clumsy and might always be dropping things due to swollen-feeling hands.

Lachesis: Women who need this remedy are often extreme, with a huge need for an outlet, both physically and emotionally. Symptoms of PMS include congestion, headaches, flushing, and shortness of warmth, and extreme outspoken irritability–frequently with powerful feelings of suspicion or jealousy. After the flow arrives, it can be heavy but brings relief of tension. Intolerance of restrictive clothing around the neck or waist is just another sign for Lachesis. If a woman describes a PMS symptom complex that settles immediately at the onset of bleeding, Lachesis may be an option. This medication has the characteristic that it functions on symptoms that are enhanced by a release’ of any sort, of which menstrual bleeding is a good example.

Ignatia: Ignatia is a natural medication that is quite good for PMS treatment and is the ideal cure for depression and mood swings in women with PMS. Ignatia can be taken by all women suffering from a sad and depressed emotional state before intervals. Together with sadness, there’s an aversion to business. Such women desire to be left alone and continue weeping for long. Women who experience sudden mood swings before their menstrual cycle may also benefit from using Ignatia.

Lycopodium: PMS with a healthy appetite indicates a need for this remedy. Digestive problems with bloating and flatulence are often seen, with the individual feeling worst in the late afternoon and evening. Menstrual periods may be postponed, followed by a heavy flow that goes on for additional days. A woman who needs this remedy lacks self-confidence and may be irritable.

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Natrum muriaticum: Someone who needs this remedy seems reserved to others but is profoundly emotional inside. She could feel extremely sad and lonely but gets affronted or angry if others attempt to console her or sympathize. Depression, anger over minor matters, and a need to be alone to cry are often seen when Natrum Mur is necessary. Menstrual problems with migraines or a backache are other indications for this treatment.

– Veratrum album: Menstrual periods with a sense of fatigue, heavy flow, and cramping indicate a need for this remedy. Diarrhea and Vomiting are often seen. Cold beverages, small meals, and wrap up in warm clothes or covers may help bring progress.

Kreosotum: Headache, nausea, and heavy flow, which produces the genitals and surrounding skin feel bloated and swollen, indicate this remedy. Women with PMS with irritability and have a strong dislike of intercourse can be helped with this remedy.

Lilium tigrinum: This remedy may be useful if a woman is prone to rage during PMS, making other people “walk on eggs” and is very sensitive and irritable. Excitement can aggravate the symptoms, and fresh air may bring relief.

Nux vomica: When a PMS woman is very impatient, pushy, and intolerant, this treatment may be of use. Irregular menstrual periods can be experienced with an urge to move the bowels before the flow starts. Physical exertion, anger, and overindulgence in coffee, alcohol, or food can aggravate the issues. The woman often feels chilly and improves from heat and rest.

Conium: Conium is the most effective natural remedy for treating breast tenderness in women as part of Premenstrual Syndrome. Conium is quite beneficial for women who experience swelling, enlargement, and pain in the breast before their periods. The pain gets worse by touching. Together with pain, the breast also becomes hard.

Caulophyllum: This remedy can help women with difficulty becoming pregnant or slow childbirth due to the uterus’ weak muscle tone. Symptoms include discomfort during phases and a heavy flow of blood or other discharge. Drawing pains can be felt in the pelvic area, thighs, and legs. Arthritis is often seen when this remedy is needed.

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Studies in Homeopathy for PMA

According to one small trial, classical homeopathic treatment could be useful for PMS.

– A 3-month double-blind, double-blind trial analyzed the effects of a homeopathic remedy given in one dose at the start of the trial. The results showed significantly fewer symptoms in the treated group.

– Another double-blind, double-blind trial assessed daily treatment efficacy with an individualized homeopathic remedy. 2 However, the dropout rate was high for the results to be interpreted in a meaningful manner.


When choosing remedies, it is the individual picture that is significant, and treatments prescribed on the entire profile will have the deepest actions. A few simple symptoms can be addressed with home prescribing. However, many conditions can be complicated to analyze, and expert homeopathic advice is useful.


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