
DGL for acid reflux

Table of Contents

What is GERD?

Occasional heartburn and other stomach problems affect as many as 70 million Americans. If the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) fails to close completely, acid reflux is said to occur. The LES seals the acid, which breaks down food, in the gut. If the LES does not close completely, the acidity can travel back up the esophagus. This may cause a burning feeling.

Many people are trying to find natural remedies, and research indicates that licorice root may soothe gastric upset while promoting a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Licorice compounds encourage the local concentration of prostaglandins that promote mucous secretion and cell proliferation in the gut.

However, since licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, it may raise blood pressure when used regularly. A healthy stomach lining doesn’t rely on glycyrrhizic acid. A formula called deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) alleviates this threat. Human studies have shown that by stimulating mucous production and improving the mucosa’s blood supply, DGL promotes a healthy mucosal lining. Unlike some conventional options, DGL does not suppress gastric acid, required for a healthy microbial balance and calcium absorption. Taken together, these findings indicate that supplementing with DGL may encourage a healthy mucosal lining by stimulating the stomach’s natural protective factors.

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What is Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)?

DGL is Licorice Deglycyrrhizinated. A calming anti-inflammatory herb is a licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Glycyrrhizin has been eliminated in DGL as it can cause blood pressure elevations. For heartburn (acid reflux) and inflammation of the gut, DGL is used. It relieves symptoms and fixes the lining of the digestive tract. The plant’s active area is the origin and has a long history of medicinal use, particularly in Asia.  Please consult your doctor if you’ve got additional medical problems or concerns.

In all instances of treating acid reflux, it is better to speak with your physician. Pick DGL over ginger infusion to decrease the odds of interactions with other drugs. If you are using DGL, make certain to go over potential interactions with your physician.

DGL for acid reflux

Many acid reflux treatments are available and many physicians recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Alternative therapies may also have the ability to alleviate your symptoms. One such choice is deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) that may help relieve acid reflux symptoms. DGL is a type of licorice that people have processed for safer ingestion. They remove a considerable amount of glycyrrhizin, a key substance. For long-term use, this makes DGL safer and includes fewer interactions between medical conditions or drugs with ginger extract. The majority of licorice originates from Asia, Turkey, and Greece. You may find DGL in many forms, most often in pills or capsules.

See: Ayurveda Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

What are the advantages of DGL?

The root of licorice may help in many conditions:

DGL may enhance the production of mucus. This can protect against acid in the stomach and esophagus. Some physicians and other health advocates recommend DGL for acid reflux. DGL was demonstrated in research to promote indigestion action. This additional mucus may function as a barrier to acid in the stomach and esophagus. This barrier can enable the damaged tissue to heal and prevent future occurrences of acid reflux. Another research discovered that DGL was more powerful than acid-suppressive drugs. This supported an earlier study.

May help treat ulcers.

Balance hormones: Traditionally, women during menopause and puberty have used licorice root extract to balance their hormones. Nowadays, licorice is within some home remedies.

May help treat hepatitis C.

– People today think licorice eases a sore throat and helps clear respiratory ailments like bronchitis.

The root of licorice may even treat viral infections. Clinical trials have shown that an injectable form of ginger extract has shown beneficial effects against hepatitis C. More research is required to decide whether this is a feasible alternative to treatment.

See: Yoga For Digestion & Gut Health

Precautions & side effects

Licorice is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, so ingredients, doses, and quality can vary along with nutritional supplements. Licorice can interact with other drugs and cause your potassium levels to reach dangerously low levels. If you are pregnant, licorice can raise your risk for preterm labor. You should not use licorice if you take diuretics, corticosteroids, or other medicines that reduce your body’s cholesterol levels. Licorice can amplify the effects of those drugs and cause your potassium levels to become dangerously low.

If you are using DGL, make certain to go over potential interactions with your physician. When taking licorice extract, individuals who have heart disease or high blood pressure should exercise caution. In all instances of treating acid reflux, it is better to speak with your physician. Pick DGL over ginger infusion to decrease the odds of interactions with other drugs. If you are using DGL, make certain to go over potential interactions with your physician. If you are using an alternative therapy, your doctor did not prescribe, you should tell them. This will assist them in ascertaining the best care and in avoiding possible conflicts with other remedies.

See: Ayurvedic Treatment Of Indigestion

Other acid reflux therapy options

Many drugs on the market can relieve acid reflux symptoms in addition to treat the condition.

Antacids can neutralize stomach acids and supply temporary relief for acid reflux. You should only take them for a brief period.

H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) control stomach acid for a longer period than antacids do.

Each kind of medicine has related side effects. Antacids can contribute to constipation and diarrhea. Your risk of bone fracture or B-12 deficiency can be increased by H2 blockers and PPIs. If you have been taking any OTC acid reflux medicine for over two weeks, you should talk to your doctor.


Acid reflux is a common disorder that can cause severe esophagus pain and injury. You need to work with your physician to find out the best treatment plan for you. If you choose to take an alternative treatment, such as DGL, you should let your doctor know. They can speak with you about any side effects and be sure it’s ideal for you, and it will not impact any medications you are currently taking.

See: Yoga For Digestion & Gut Health

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