"In April 2016 I found out I was pregnant with my first child. After my first scan at 12 weeks and my screening tests, I was advised I had low pappa a hormone.
The midwife explained this was the hormone that fed the baby via the placenta and so with this being low the baby would be small and more than likely I would be induced at 36.
Prior to pregnancy I also suffered from IBS and psoriasis. My mum had suggested being making an appointment with Katie.
I have suffered from psoriasis and IBS/ bad digestion problems most of my adult life and thought if the doctor couldn't fix these then how could Katie.
Intrigued by what Katie could do, but very skeptical I made an appointment and agreed to see Katie once every two weeks.
I told Katie about my diet and exercise and what treatments I have used previously. We also discussed how to help the baby become a healthy weight and grow strong in case born early due to the pappa a hormone being low.
Katie guided me on what food provided the best nutrition for the growth and development of the baby and would assist with my psoriasis and IBS. Each visit Katie would ask how I was getting on with the diet changes and either suggest new ones if certain ones weren't working or were hard to fit into my diet.
She also provided an ointment to help with digestion all of which was natural.
This combined with reflexology I could soon see a massive improvement in my digestion and my psoriasis had reduced to near invisible.
By my 28 week scan, I was advised the baby was becoming a higher than usual weight for someone with a low pappa a hormone. Therefore Katie's guide on diet was definitely working.
By 38 weeks my blood pressure had been increasing and was diagnosed with
Preeclampsia. This meant I was induced immediately. During labour, I and the baby's blood had separated via the placenta which caused us to both have an infection, sepsis. The birth became traumatic, ending in an emergency cesarean.
When the baby was born he wasn't breathing and was resuscitated.
He was then transferred to Royal London hospital where they carried out a therapy called cooling which reduced the risk of brain damage caused by there being no oxygen reaching the baby when our blood had separated.
He remained there in a cooling blanket for 72 hours then was incubated for a week. During this time he was treated for HEI, hypothermia, swelling on the brain, a collapsed lung, and jorndis. A lot to go through in the first week of your life.
We named our little boy Lewis and called him our little champion, as he fought everything thrown at him.
Every doctor maintained the reason Lewis survived and fought off everything was due to him being such a strong and healthy baby. This was all down to the diet I had throughout my pregnancy. Provided and guided by Katie.
I can never thank Katie enough for what she has done for me, Lewis and my family."
Naturopath Doctor: Harley Street Naturopath