Just searching for info to help my friend who recently broke her hip and found your site. As I have had success with homeopathy I thought I would share a couple of my own experiences. I used Ruta Grav following my 7-year-old daughter breaking her elbow and having two operating as we had been told she had most likely lost the use of her left arm. Eventually, the consultant said he had never seen a break which had been that bad heal that well and that quickly - I had NOT told him I was using homeopathy -my daughter is now 29 and eventually became one of the countries top ballroom dancers and a champion disco dancer. (see my profile picture) More recently (2014) I broke my ankle and used arnica straight away - the following day I had to attend A & E (my boss made me!) they insisted in giving me strong painkillers and warfarin - I refused both as 1) I knew I had hurt myself but the pain was was not as such to need painkillers and 2) they said the warfarin was because I was immobile! I pointed out I had just walked in and refused those too. I do not trust the UK NHS at all and use Homeopathy whenever I can. Thank you for supporting people. Lyn
Homeopath Doctor: National Center for Homeopathy