Here is me in 2016.
What I did to get well:
A lot of people ask for some specifics about what I've done so I'll put it in here in an order of importance.
- 100% raw - high fruit, smoothies, Salads
- Daily juicing (+- 2 Litres; I never skipped one day in 16 months of juicing); whatever is in season and preferably organic (BEST: CITRUS & GRAPES)
- NO sulphur-rich foods: Garlic,onion,broccoli,cauliflower,kale,radish,turnip, etc
- Enemas (with water + 1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt)
- Herbs only if needed in the beginning for kidneys, adrenals and gut.
- Every other day I ate big salads after my stomach began to recover from Gastroparesis (Cucumber, tomatoes, avocados, peppers, lettuce, parsley, cilantro, celery, Zuccini, Alfalfa Sprouts, Coconuts; seasoned with aromatic herbs, orange juice and sea salt)
- Meditation
- Avoiding stressfull/toxic people and situations
- Listening to the body: Sometimes it asks to fast on juice for a few days, sometimes it asks for good fats, sometimes it asks to eat only hydrating fruit; On my journey my body would give me clear signs of what to do.
- Knowing and be aware that the body is in constant toxic waste dumping;
- Prayer/Faith and asking Angels in loud voice for help when needed;
- Controversial: B12 (sublingual in methyl & adenocobalamin form every other week)
The past 2 months I've regained some good weight (15kgs)... My lowest weight was 52kg; 1,80m. I am now 60kg since my stomach began to heal more. I am absorbing food and I am no longer as nauseous as before and my body is able to digest way more food as before.
I've added some Hemp&Pumpkin Seeds and some steamed Sweet Potatoes a few weeks ago because of convenience and because I want to test how I can handle some gentle cooked food. I still keep detoxing in spite of eating some cooked because I keep juicing lots of citrus during the morning and day. I drink in between meals. I don't follow a specific eating plan as long as I focus on raw eating & juicing.