My husband assured me that everything will be fine and decided to take charge of the situation. He put me on fresh, local, raw, live organic vegetables and some fruits that served to alkalize the body. We found ways to oxygenate the body and we took out foods and drinks that are well renowned to feed cancer. Our strategy was to wreck the environment that cancer needed to thrive through my two and a half years of research that my husband and I had been undertaking. We also created an efficient digestive system and detoxified the body including the cleaning of the waste elimination system – Colon, liver and parasite cleanse as a vital part of the armory.
We included certain supplements, herbs, choice fruits and special bitter foods that were renowned as being incredibly anti-cancerous and supportive to the liver. The pains subsided and I began to get better and slowly put back on weight.
Subsequent scans and visits to the hospital which commenced six weeks into our nutritional therapy confirmed that the once 60 x 50 x 54mm tumor as seen on the original scan was now gone, leaving only ‘scar tissue’. The three smaller growths on the pancreas were still there but the second oncologist suggested that if we did not want to proceed with biopsies and they were not bothering me, then they would just monitor the situation and for me to come back if we found any cause for concern.
To labor the point, because I cannot get enough of saying it, the tumor is now totally gone and as the final oncologist we saw told us “only scar tissue of the tumor is left remainingâ€, The fact that scar tissue is remaining tells us also that it was not misdiagnosed, it was not a mix up in scans, the scar tissue is left remaining from a very real, sizeable and dangerous tumor.
May God richly bless you as he blessed and looked after us throughout this dark time in our lives.