Ayurveda pathogenesis-
Diagnosis- Raktaj Pravahika
Hetu- Over consumption of water leading to agnimandya (reduction of digestive fire), hotel diet due to workplace away from his native city , excessive consumption of rice, Tea (8-10 times a day).
-Correction of diet and schedules as per Udar vikar.
-Use of internal medications like Kutaj ghan vati, panchamrit parpati, kutjaristha.
One month followup as the patient was away from the clinic.
– Use of Swarna parpati, dadimawaleha in the followup.
– No panchakarma done as the patient was busy due to his work and was
– Treatment continued for 4 months.
-Abdominal cramps and gaseous distention was completely resolved in a month.
No bleeding at all but mucosal discharge with stool was there due to dietary carelessness after 30 days. Patient was strictly advised to follow the diet chart given.
-Next followup- Dietary indications followed. Good relief in overall symptoms. Stool begin to become firm like banana. Natural stool pressure early morning without water intake.
– Percentage of relief increased whole the treatment progressed.
– Patient completely happy and stable after 4 months of treatment. – No recurrence since a year.