Panchakarma for Psoriasis
Treatment-pachana, anulomana, swedana.
For pachana guduchi and dhanyak siddha ushna jala 10ml hot water sips every 20 mins.
Amrutottaram kashayam tablet 1/8th piece every half hourly.
He was. Asked to. Sit with body covered with a blanket.
Prognosis- loose motions stopped, vomiting also stopped, nausea was present but vanished after one hour.
Temperature came down to 100°F after 2 hours.
After 5 hours temperature came. Down to 97°F.
Bp was 130/70 mm hg
Appetite was not present till late night, so food. Was. Not given tablet was stopped only medicated water hot sips were asked to take.
Next morning he passed compact stools without any difficulty.
Slight appetite was present
Peya with saindhav and trikatu churna was given.
Afternoon he had proper appetite , manda with saindhav and trikatu churna was given n same. Diet was followed for 2 days.
Only two tablets were required for the entire treatment.
Next day condition. Was improved with lightness in the head, abdomen.
Improvement in the appetite.
All vitals were stable.
See: Psoriasis Natural Remedies
How can you prevent psoriasis?
In terms of Ayurveda, Psoriasis stems due to the imbalance between two basic energies of the human body called Vata and Kapha. Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis involves maintaining a balance between these two energies by detoxifying your body and following some strict lifestyle and dietary changes. Ayurvedic therapy may include Panchakarma which the most suited treatment for psoriasis followed by counseling, lifestyle management, and diet management.
One should strictly follow the dietary modifications and avoid having any type of foods that can fail ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda suggests people suffering from psoriasis to consume a vegetarian diet which does not include non-veg food while undergoing treatment for psoriasis.
Panchakarma involves treating a patient through Vamana, Rakta moksha and Virechana. Panchkarma is an ayurvedic procedure that is done by detoxifying the body. Detoxification is carried out through “Panchakarma” medications where all the toxic material from the body fluids are disposed out. Psoriasis majorly occurs due to improper functioning of pitta in the body, so the patient is treated with some good herbs to detoxify the body in form of Panchakarma therapy.
See: Facial Acupuncture For Skin Rejuvenation
Panchakarma Therapy for Psoriasis
Ayurveda offers Panchakarma therapy for treating Psoriasis that involves purging your body from harmful toxins by inducing vomiting and detoxifying your body by adding necessary changes to your diet and through plant-based remedies.
Panchakarma therapy for psoriasis has gained worldwide attention for its effectiveness in treating various skin diseases. A case study, that involved 40 patients suffering from psoriasis were divided into four groups (A, B, C, D). Group A, received Vamana(vomiting) and Virechana (detoxifying) once during the trial period. Group B – Vamana and Virechana followed by Dermo-care in the dose of 5 g twice a day for a period of 2 months. Group C, received dermo-care only. Group D, received Neotrexate (Methotrexate) 7.5 mg/week was given under the supervision of a dermatologist. The results showed marked improvement in patients who received Vamana and Virechana followed by Dermo-care in the dose of 5 g twice a day for two months. Whereas, all the other groups showed only mild to moderate effect.
In another case study, where a total of 50 patients suffering from psoriasis were treated with Panchakarma therapy. The treatment of Panchakarma involved Vaman, Virechan and Matrabasti. For vaman (vomiting), Vacha 1 gm, Madanphal 2 gm, Saindhav and decoction of madhuyashti was given, whereas to induce Virechan, trivritt churna, erand oil was given followed by samsarjana karma for 3 days. For detoxification internal oleation (abhyantar snehan) was performed with panchtikta ghrita with initial dose of 50 ml/ day which was gradually increased by 50 ml/day for 3 to 7 days. This is followed by abhyang and vashpa sweda by neem oil and dashmool kwath respectively. Daily oil enema (Matrabasti) with panchtikta ghrit was also given for 21 days along with shaman chikitsa.
The results showed a significant improvement in the symptoms of pateints suffering from psoriasis followed by panchakarma treatment. All the research has proved that panchkarma is a new line of treatment for chronic skin disorders like psoriasis.
See: Psoriasis Natural Remedies
Science and Research Studies on Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder and is well known for its course of remissions. Treating psoriasis with Ayurveda can be found to be most preventive, effective treatment that can help in successful remission of Psoriasis when compared to modern medical science that is associated with serious side effects like liver failure, bone marrow depletion, and kidney failure.
/ style=”text-decoration:none;”>Nirupam Bhattacharyya, / style=”text-decoration:none;”>Muralidhar P. Pujar., / style=”text-decoration:none;”>Ashutosh Chaturvedi., / style=”text-decoration:none;”> Ashvini Kumar. M., / style=”text-decoration:none;”> Lohith. B.A., / style=”text-decoration:none;”> Sunil Kumar. K. N. (2016). A Clinico-analytical study on the seed of Wrightia antidysenterica Linn. as a therapeutic emetic agent (Vamaka Yoga) in the management of psoriasis (2016). Pharmacognosy Research, 8(Suppl 1): S19–S25.
Mehta. C.S., Dave. A.R., Shukla.V.D.(2011). A clinical study of some Ayurvedic compound drugs in the assessment quality of life of patients with Eka Kushtha (psoriasis). Ayu journal, 32(3):333-9.
Manoj K.S, Yogita K.S , Lalchand .J. (2011). Evaluation of Panchakarma as an Ayurvedic Line of Treatment in the Management of Psoriasis. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research , 3(4):17-21.
Michael Tirant., Torello Lotti., Serena Gianfaldoni., Georgi Tchernev., Uwe Wollina., Philip Bayer. (2018). Integrative Dermatology – The Use of Herbals and Nutritional Supplements to Treat Dermatological Conditions. Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences, 6(1): 185–202.
Gunjan Mangal, Gopesh Mangal1 , Radhey Shyam Sharma. ( 2012). Clinical efficacy of Shodhana Karma and Shamana Karma in Mandala Kushtha (Psoriasis).Ayu journal, 33(2): 224-229