Treatment – for the headaches on the frontal area, Ling Gu, Da Bai, 22.06 22.07. Ht8. Gb41. 66.03
Her headache was gone after first treatment.
She came back after a week and the pain came back to her after 3-4 days. She mentioned that couldn’t remember a time she didn’t feel pain for so long.
2nd Treatment:
I repeated the same treatment. I added the 3 Lower Emperors – 77.18 77.19 77.21 this time .and I ordered her herbs.
I did two more treatments until the herbs arrived. I didn’t need to add or change the points I chose. I prescribed her t take the herbs for 12 days.
After she finished her prescription, she hasn’t experienced any pain with improved sleep.
sheng di 15, bei sha shen 15, mai dong 10, dang gui 15, chuan lian zi 10
qin jiao 15, chuan xiong 15, tian ma 10, bai shao 15, chai hu 12, bai ji li 10
gou qi zi 15, che qian zi 15. i based myself on Yi Guan Jian.
Just wanted to add that she did not take painkillers when she came for a treatment or between the treatments. Even when her pain came back, her pain level had reduced quite a bit. Her pain level is 0/10 scale as opposed to 10/10 when she came to our clinic.