We started with counseling him and shared evidence as to how Ayurveda can be an effective cure for Psoriasis. Below are the photographs before his treatment. We educated him on the role of Sattvic Diet, Lifestyle and Stress management for remission of Psoriasis. In addition, he was prescribed Yoga and Meditation to control his stress.
We prescribed “PMAAA” Personalized Treatment According to Atharva Ayurveda protocol completely on him including Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment like Abhyanga, Swedana, Virechana, Rakta Mokshana (Bloodletting), Shirodhara with our specialized herbs.
Our herbs have products like Soro herbal tea and Soro oil for local application in affected areas. We planned his entire diet and nutrition along with suggestions on his lifestyle modifications. We started getting positive results within a few days of treatment for scalp psoriasis.
The patient became confident by the results and followed our protocols to get relief from Psoriasis and application of Ayurveda therapy for positive outcome. After following complete protocol with Ayurveda therapy, diet and lifestyle changes, his scalp psoriasis and other symptoms were in complete remission. He was prescribed 15 day Ayurveda therapy and after that his skin was normal as is evident from after photos as attached. We received his email that he is feeling happy and his skin is completely normal and he is following the diet and lifestyle protocol that was prescribed to him. Please see the photographs after successful treatment of Psoriasis and Ayurveda. We at Atharva Ayurveda have treated many Psoriasis patients successfully with positive outcomes and over 90% success rate.
Role of diet in control of Psoriasis: Diet is very important to manage Psoriasis as some foods can trigger and aggregate the condition. We recommend to our patients to avoid the following from their diet.
Psoriasis Food to be avoided As per Ayurveda
In order to experience the advantages of effective Ayurvedic treatment, one should strictly avoid certain foods that are mentioned below. As consuming these foods can aggravate the psoriatic condition.
One should avoid having foods in extreme that include acidic foods, apple, citrus foods, pineapple, pickles, spicy and fried foods, fermented foods, salty foods, chocolates, cheese, whey, and fine flour and milk products, buttermilk. In addition, we recommend avoiding garlic, onions and chillies as well as meat from your diet. You can include boiled eggs and fish if you like. Meat
We recommend virgin coconut oil to help relieve itching.
Foods that help with Psoriasis
Psoriasis results due to an imbalance between different bodily energies like Vata and Kapha. Ayurveda strongly believes in maintaining this bodily energy and treating a person’s ailment by following certain rules that involve making necessary changes to your diet.
Some of the dietary changes that can help combat psoriasis include –
Nuts and seeds – Almonds, almond milk, oat milk, and coconut water can restore body strength, immunity, and acts as a natural hydrant to keep your body calm and stable.
Vegetables – Butternut Pumpkin, sweet potato, kale, Carrots, and Aloe vera are some of the vegetables that can help detoxify your body and pacify Kapha region. All these foods are known to promote bowel movements through its laxative effect while soothing your digestive system.
Fruits – Blueberry, watermelon, pomegranate, honeydew melon is an excellent source to control all conditions of the digestive tract and promotes metabolic activity. These fruits control body temperature and maintain healthy skin.
Oils – coconut oil contains healthy fats and thus promotes the function of the nervous system, supports thyroid and improves metabolism.
Science and Research on Psoriasis and Ayurveda to find the answer if Psoriasis can be cured by Ayurveda
Our clinic has been involved in the following research on Currently Doing Research Project Title “Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Polyherbal powder in patients with vitiligo.”with The Department Of Pharmaceuticals Sciences,Saurashtra University,Rajkot. We are also involved in a research project titled “An open label study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Polyherbal formulations in patients with mild to moderate psoriasis” with the Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Saurashtra University,Rajkot.
In Ayurveda, Psoriasis is referred to as “Mandla Kushta” and panchakarma therapy has proven efficacy for remission of chronic medical conditions.
There are five traditional procedures that are part of Panchakarma:
In one of the clinical trials done at the National Institute of Ayurveda, 40 patients suffering Psoriasis were divided into 4 groups. Group that was given Vamana + Virechana + Ayurvedic medicine had the most successful outcome as compared with the rest of the groups.
Benefits of Vamana and Virechana for Psoriasi management in Ayurveda:
Vamana or vomiting is administered for aggravated kapha dosha. It helps to expel the toxins from the chest area and give relief to aggravate kapha dosha. Virechana therapy on the other hand is purging toxins from the gastrointestinal tract with the intent to cleanse the pitta in the body. Another study was done to evaluate topical application of chamomile and pumpkin seed oil efficacy for treatment of scalp psoriasis. Researchers found the oil treatment to be safe and effective in remission of Psoriasis. Can Ayurveda cure Psoriasis is evident in clinical trials that have demonstrated success with positive outcomes. We have combined results from the clinical trials and formulated protocol and added diet, nutrition and lifestyle modification to present successful remission of Psoriasis.
Clinical efficacy of Shodhana Karma and Shamana Karma in Mandala Kushtha (Psoriasis);Gunjan Mangal Lecturer, Department of Swasthavritta, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Ayurvedic College, Renwal, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
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