A 6-year-old boy Oscar had been vomiting a few weeks ago. His mother consulted me, the boy had developed circular red eruptions on his torso and leg.I suspected tick bites. He would become unsettled at night, and his appetite was low. He had suffered from eczema in the past, and it had reappeared again. In addition to eruptions on the skin, he would experience night terrors. He would wake around midnight, shaking and confused, leap out of his bed and start running. He had been scared of the dark, but it was exaggerated. He was usually gentle and loving but had become angrier recently, lashing out at his older brother. It felt like he would explode with anger. He had also developed a fascination with death. He had a new baby The key recent event in Oscar’s life has been the arrival of a new baby sister. His behavior has changed since she was born, and the sleep disturbance and physical symptoms have all appeared since this time. It was the first time in Oscar’s life that he had been parted from his mother, and he feels that his sister ‘gets all the attention’ at home.