Panchakarma for Psoriasis is highly effective in purging the toxins out. I started with external psora herb oil application and internal ghee intake for 2 weeks. Patient took around 250ml ghee for his Psoriasis on the last day. In addition, he was given detoxification with VAMANAM (induced emesis – a panchakarma procedure in Ayurveda for Psoriasis)
After 2 weeks:
Internal ghee intake for Psoriasis continued in smaller dosage for another 7 days.
Kashayadhara for 3 days as part of SWEDANAM (sudation).
2nd detoxification as part of Pcanhkarma was done with VIRECHANAM (Purgation )
After 2nd detoxification, the patient felt much improvement in symptoms as scaling reduced by around 80%. In addition, his itching subsided as well with improvement in Joint flexibility as dryness of body became negligible.
Oil application and kashaya dhara continued for another one week and we discharged the patient with significant improvement in symptoms. In addition, we recommended lifestyle and diet modification along with the Ayurvedic medication.