Acupuncture to Relieve Constipation
She had a massage, cupping therapy on the shu points on the back, and 10 minutes lotus flower (the only innovation of our regular routine).
After that, she received her massage treatment and I asked her to try to get some rest and observe her self, especially about the guts function. This was one week ago. Today she came and informed me that the effect for the guts function was incredible – easy, nonpainful and releasing and it came the same afternoon after treatment. Today we did the same procedure for 15 minutes but combined with moxibustion in the center of the naval, and on the pain zones – lower back and neck, and of course, massage again. She reported less stress, less pain, and a very good energy level immediately after the treatment, we are waiting for the long term results. Next time I will include more needles, but for now, I’m taking it carefully, because she is not so pleased with the idea of needling in general. We were able to help her relieve her constipation problem with Acupuncture.