Chief Complaint: 7 year old girl, K/C/O Down’s Syndrome came to our clinic in August 2016 with c/o Alopecia Areata patches over her scalp for 2 years. She had taken allopathic treatment for a few months with no relief. Her bald patches had aggravated and increased in the past 2- 3 months.Symptoms:Complaints started after suppression of atopic dermatitis with local steroidal application. Diagnosis:A/F – Suppressed Atopic dermatitis Alopecia AreataHistory:Her mother was detected with hypothyroidism during the 5th month of pregnancy. Mother was very anxious during pregnancy due to work related stress. Down’s syndrome was detected in the baby at 20 weeks via USG but Mom decided to continue with her pregnancy. Personal HistoryDesires – fish, yogurtPerspiration – profuse, scalp overSleep – sleeps on abdomenThermal modality – Hot patient, wants AC all the timeFamily HistoryFather – vitiligoMother – hypothyroidismPaternal grandmother – h/o alopecia areata a few years ago.Life Situation and Mental StateDevelopmental delay was assessed to be of 1 and half years.Motor skills are slow, few developedMild, shy, takes time to mix with peopleObstinate – wants things to be done her way otherwise rebelsPrefers to do her things herself, doesn’t like to take helpFear of darkness ++Likes music, dance, performs on stage with enthusiasmAccording to teachers – obedient, does everything on her own but doesn’t communicate much. Not very social with other kids.